Freedom Never Dies

Day 1,151, 15:02 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy

Disenfranchised citizens of the eUnited States of America,
I pose to you a simple question,
Are you truly happy with the Political Party you're in? Or are you simply there because you think there is nothing better?

You shall never find your contentment in this game when you subject yourself to fulfilling the duties of another citizens party. Political Parties of this country view the average citizen as nothing more than a number, a blocker, and a vote. They subject you to the viewpoint that if you truly did desire to have your voice heard, you would work for a top 5 party in order to eventually gain the respect to eventually gain the influence in that party to eventually have enough support within that party to possibly, maybe, still have a semblance of a thought to achieve whatever particular goal you originally put forth your heart and soul to achieve.
But now, you're tired. You've spent months participating in actions you could truly care less about, only to work towards achieving that respect and influence that you soon realize means nothing. And in the end, you'll never be better than the man who was here just a bit longer than you, even after putting forth all your energy to that achievement.

Political Parties support themselves on the backs of their new players. The Players who put forth the most are given a pat on the head, and an encouraging remark of 'You're going to go far, kid' or 'You've got some potential,' all the while, you serve to perpetuate the very system of government that is killing our nation.

eRepublik is a game of dreams. It is a game wherein a citizen is allowed to reinvent their own life in whichever manner they see fit. However, that is simply incompatible with the way this country works. Those at the top look down upon those at the bottom, and point them in the 'right' direction of menial jobs within departments that support the very cycle that placed that previous new citizen in the governmental superstructure, and will, eventually, end up placing the next new citizen in the very same system. It is a system of internal destruction disguised as a conduit for achievement.

And thus, the cycle persists, those who survive it become those who run it....
But truly, at what cost does this system run?
The destruction of our new player base?
For months we have looked upon the degradation of our society in wonder, blaming the admins or boredom for the ruin that our very society has created. We destroyed the Political Module. Not the Admins. Us.
All the potential of running a country or role playing a political leader replaced with a bloody bureaucratic nightmare. A ruined game replaced with a semi-corporate structure. It is sheer madness that players will willingly participate in the system. The only reason this nightmarish scenario has not been destroyed is because the older players benefit from it, and the newer players
are being deluded into thinking that this is the only possible way of achieving success in the political module. It is delusion on a massive scale.
If you want a Game where Ideas and Energy are valued over the number of days in an eLife,
If you want the ability to make a name for yourself back in the hands of the average player,
If you simply want a new experience free of the sickened structure of what currently exists,
Join the Socialist Freedom Party

Don't support the creations that are not your own.
Create something new
The Socialist Freedom Revolutionary Committee allows anyone and everyone to participate in leadership. This is your opportunity to break away from the Status Quo institutions of this country, take your dreams, and work towards their fruition.
Other parties will use you.
We're asking you to use us.
Forget what you're supposed to do.
Do what you want to do. Do what you're meant to do.

No matter what reality seems to be
No matter how hard it might be to break out of the Status Quo.
No matter how overwhelming the odds against you are.
You are always free to do accomplish your dreams,

And freedom never dies...