Freedom for the conquered

Day 287, 17:28 Published in Norway Russia by HateBot


As a human being today is an important day. The oppressed Russians and Finish people have once more proved deliberation and persistence is more powerful than brutal tactics of oppression and hatred.

It is on this day that we stand on both feet, as human beings, and on ground higher than that of our oppressor. We stand without chains, without bonds, and without the persistent knowledge that we have no choice but to conform.

Friends, today is not that day.

Today is the day that we have been dreaming of for the past few years of brutal Norwegian rule. While Forconin may attempt to recollect his power over this country through gold funneling and political maneuvers we all know the end is near for our dear Norwegian slave drivers.

We now walk through the halls of cities with our chins held high, for our redemption is near.

Friends, family, countrymen, today is the day for celebration. A day to recognize what we have lost in the struggle for our independence and freedom; and a day to realize those great figures before us. For the Russians it would be the great Soviet rule of the proletariat. For the Fins it would be the people who suffered under a previous corrupt president, but still was able to stand strong.

But as much as celebration should be exalted beyond all other courses of action we must act rational. Our home and our country are at stake and the petty politics of personal attacks and feelings must not interfere with the grander goals of
providing for our people.

To my countrymen and to the Finish Kin:

I call for unification, not unification by country but by relations. We are brothers in the same struggle and the call of independence rings true for all men who were once silenced through the Norwegian majority. I call for a day which we may forget our past and forge a new future, each, as independent states. I call for a day which we can set aside our history and help make this transition of power and freedom as peaceful as possible, as to not spark a world war. For it would be dangerous to tempt the giants who surround us. We must fight for freedom, but not for a freedom which risks our own independence.

We deserve unity and freedom; however we should not result to rash actions in a display of power.

To the Norwegian Savages:

While you notice your borders shrink and your great empire slowly crumble away to what it once was, you must remain eager for a future of your country and not cling to the ideals of imperialistic control. A great blob on the map means nothing to Norwegians if such a blob is gained through unfair advantage, or through dirty political threats.

The spot light is on you now, and your ability to treat those before you with respect even though they may now feel the need to push you around. To spit on you, to call you names, to reject your history and your heritage. Today is the day in which your positions are switched, you are no longer the aggressor but the defender of what was yours. And while nothing can force you to do so, reparations to these break away factions will go a long way to steady relations in the long term.

I do not ask this for benefit of myself or my own movement, I ask for you to once be gracious and giving in a time which we may seem demanding and over-powerful. I ask for you to give more than may be necessary for the sake of future relationships of these people; regardless of which path they may choose. While it may be more fashionable for you to cling to nationality, to the feelings of bitter hatred and distrust for those who over throw you, far more damage could have been done.

But it was not done out of mutual respect.

You see these correlations between the Russians and the Fins and you ask “Why do they not return the favor?”

Perhaps the most mature and powerful figure should be the one to stop the bickering, and return the status quo. Perhaps we only wait for you to return what was once ours and to give a little more than is required from mutual generosity. And perhaps the pages of history rely on your following actions, for the consequences will radiate for quite some time.

Cling to your past, to your heritage, to your future, but do not cling to what is sure to be lost. Do not cling for that which is trying its hardest to break away in the most peaceful manner possible; but cling to what could be.

What we could have.

What we could become.