Freedom For Free

Day 675, 06:40 Published in USA USA by Lowell Kennedy

Max McFarland 2 hopes to donate Q5 hospitals and defense systems to the United States for free. He outlines the plan for this project here. He has donated immense personal resources to an all-encompassing infrastructure project. He’s also raised awareness and it’s my goal to continue to publicize it, even when our focus is other places like the elections. His admirable work can use our help.

There are three companies that are a part of the project:

1. McFarland Homework Assignments trains volunteers with zero or low constructions skill.
2. McFarland Hospitals builds Q5 Hospitals for donation to the eUSA.
3. McFarland Defense Systems builds Q5 Defense Systems for donation to the eUSA.

Max needs volunteer labor, working at a 2 USD salary. This project is functional only so long as folks volunteer their work. For those looking to help their country but have negligible effects on the battlefield, this is a great opportunity. You would be a patriot willing to sacrifice some time and money to help rebuild the eUSA.

Max is doing this independently of the government. As he has sai😛

I makes no claims to know better than the government. I trust whatever administration is in office to decide when & where to install any infrastructure I build. If they choose to purchase & install it immediately, cool. If they choose not to do so, then it can sit there in stock as a strategic reserve until the government decides it is required. This is a continuous and long-term project. Eventually, the elected government will have a need for infrastructure; I am providing the supply for this need. I will not criticize our elected officials on their decisions regarding utilization of my products. I intend to have them ready for when the government feels they are needed.

Please help if you would like or can. Also let your friends know about this. You can be a great eAmerican joining another, building America.