Free Thinkers Party Launch Article

Day 1,006, 03:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Economic Free Thinkers Society

"Hi, I'm Troy McClure". You may remember me from such great articles as Which Flavor of Left is Labour this month, The IUP rebirth version10, and IFP just wants to be number1. Today I want to tell you about the birth of Ireland’s newest party the Economic Free Thinkers Society. It all started just a month ago when Nogin and Moo got the idea to try something different.

What makes this party different?
Most parties only real goal to get their members elected. That will change in this party, the goal of this party is just simply to improve Ireland. To do this we will work together on one problem a month , sort of like a think tank. We will do research, propose a plan of action, and use our experience and potions in government to influence change to enact improvement. This work will happen on our forum and all team members will contribute as much or as little as they can to that months project.

Real world political orientation means little in this game. The Free thinkers will keep our orientation as central and welcome members in form all sides of the political spectrum. Our party or society as we refer to it is brought together to share knowledge and promote business and economic aspect of the game. A society is a collection of people working together to supporting each other which defines us. We will not forget the game is meant to be a game, so there will be a little fun in it to. Monty Burns as a party logo instead of and official looking seal reminds us of that.

How will the party operate?
Since the party was formed on the 5th of July 2010 we have quickly grown. In the first month the party increased in size from 1 to 24 members. During the first month the infrastructure of the party was laid. All major choices will be put to a vote on the party forum. Anyone wanting to run for CP from any party will be asked to post there economic potion on the party forum. 7 days before the election a 48 hour vote will take place. The winner will get party support. A party conference will take place once a month on the day after the PP elections. The meeting is open to all party members and takes place in the in game chat room. The direction the party will take over the next month is discussed.
The party org is located at:
The Party Wiki site is located at:
The forum is located at:
The forum is open to all citizens regardless of country or political affiliation. We have no secrets and all areas of the forum are open to the public.

Who is in the party?
We have a mixture of people, from real life ages 14 to 59, members in 5 time zones and 4 countries. Nogin the Nog is our most experienced member, for those of you under a rock that do not know her she has more businesses and wealth then several small countrys combined. She is also one of the smartest and nicest people playing the game and is the current President of Ireland. Anthony and Apple joined us after Dan disappeared and are very experienced and level headed. Moo's oldest friend Danial is with us along with his stack of congress medial. We got a new member who is full of energy and just elected Minister of Community in Seanlynch. We have the artist Luminara, or the artist just known as "L" making us look good. Dash the most trusted Irish politician of all time just joined us. Gonzo is part of the team with his great business experience and good stout. Moomoohead is one of our founders and Country VP, the guy with the coolest name in the game and worst spelling. We have lots of other experienced players and new players that enhance our society.

We have a lot of experience, our 53 members have won over 43 congress medals so far. Last month our party won 5 congress seats despite only being the 10th biggest in Ireland, now it is the No.1 party, quite an achievement in such a shortt space of time. Our members have served in just about every government position available, from minister positions, VP, and President of Ireland.

A list of some of our members congress Medals
Nogin 5
DashRiprock 8
Anthony Colby 9
Daniel Kaffe 10
moomoohead 5
gonzo914 1
Apples123 1
Cun-Bo-Dawex 4

What do we stand for?
The party will represent the interests of the business community by:
+ Ensure Ireland has Healthy Markets, Fair Taxes, and Inflation under control..
+ Support decision making by govt. based on reason, data, and facts as opposed to perception
+ Campaign for business and economic education in Ireland as a priority

We have also implemented a study program for new members. Wealthy members of the party contribute to a fund that provides food and weapons to member below the level of 14 to allow them to spend more time studying. This allows them to gain the skills quicker to earn and contribute more to society. If you would like to be a part of our team please join our Society or ask if you have any questions.