Free Interest loans!

Day 847, 02:15 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace


Yes, it's true!

Company owners can now get fee interest loans, for their companies. Say you borrow 20g, all you have to pay back is that 20g! Contact either me or iLord_Solomon about details and the possibility of yo getting one of these amazing loans provided by The Singaporean Ministry of Finance/Economics! PM us in-game, on the forums or even on the irc!


After how amazing that is, we need to move onto yesterdays presidential elections. I'll do a summary of each parties elections. I'll start with mine: Singaporean Republican Party candidates were both confident. Me because I had a massive campaign, and Monsieur Leonard_Poh, coz he was a multiaccounter. He got banned, so I went on and won. What's upsetting is that he was Machoboy, our e😜arty-president and a presidential candidate. It's a shame.

In NGP Boethiath won without competition, which allowed the majority of his party to beat out PTOers. In BP there was little competition, with JerryTan earning 4 votes over Bucth's 2. BP has also slipped down to 4Th largest party, but will undoubtedly go back up, once the ATOers leave.

Now to the PTO parties: Srnth is awesome had only 1 candidate, Herr. Dubrovnik, I myself don't know if he is a PTOer. I hope someone will answer this query in the comment section below. TPS, Kryteshyft won swiftly, with his 7 votes to PTOer's none. Mr. BJ2 (BJ XD) was beaten out by Silent_Hero in a massive ATO attempt. Well done to SH, and all other new party presidents.


I accidentally pressed run for candidancy, but dw, I'm still supporting Relorian, once he goes back to NGP I can support him. Thx

Also I've made a new ATO group to stop PTOers, it's called Pesticide, and we have an irc channel, join us at #Pesticide for Singapore, we have me, Shnipe, Atracurium and Boethiath. Come join us 😃


Thedark ace