Free Giveaway!! [Round 3][Update]

Day 1,672, 10:25 Published in USA USA by vrpanch

Update: I will be picking the winning numbers today at 1800 Erep time! Good Luck to you all!

Update: So far we have 95 Player!! Its a new record! Keep it up and I might have to increase the prizes!

Its back and it will better than before. These time i have changed Rule 1 from last week.


1) Shout this Article:
Try your luck and play the FREE Giveaway game!

2) Pick and post 5 numbers from 1 to 999 in the comments.

3) You ARE allowed to pick the same numbers as other people, and if one of those numbers are picked the price will be split among the winners.

4) I will be using random number generator to pick the winning numbers.

5) Only one prize per person (so you cant win 1st and 3rd or 1st and 2nd prize).

6) No need to buy any tickets, just post a comment with your 5 lucky numbers.

7) The winners will be announced on eDay 1680 (or when I remember), so mark your calenders.


Jackpot: 50 Q6 Tanks, AND 100 Q5 Food AND $1,500
2nd Prize: 25 Q6 Tanks, AND 50 Q5 Food AND $1,000
3rd Prize: 30 Q5 Tanks AND 50 Q5 Food AND $500
4th Prize: 20 Q5 Tanks AND 20 Q5 Food
5th Prize: 10 Q5 Tanks AND 10 Q5 Food

Other Thoughts:
I would really appreciate it, if can vote this article.

I know the prizes aren't much, but still pretty good!

I made it free, so that you know I'm not trying to get make some fast money or gold. I just want to do something new in this game, since its kinda getting boring; doing the same thing everyday.

Even though its not required, you can sub, if you like, I won't object to it. 😃

If too many people win on one tier, I will make it so that you all get a decent amount of the prize, even if I have to end up giving out more than what the prize is for that tier.

Total Prizes Awarded so far:
Q6 tanks: 100
Q5 tanks: 175
Q5 Foods: 590
Currency: $6,000
Total Value(Gold): ~6.28 Gold

To all the Grammar Nazis: Sorry for any/all the grammar, spelling, or syntax mistakes. You can post corrections in the comments section.