Day 3,442, 07:03 Published in Hungary Spain by NueveOcho the Despoiler

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listen up my brethen:
I was thinking for a few days about creating e-Kekistan, and I would like to propose the following to all the fellow cultists in eRep to organize (either on IRC or discord) and there consider one country we will PTO and turn into e-Kekistan.

All those interested please PM, if there's enough (about 20+) Kekfugees like me looking for a Free Kekistan I'll set an ingame PM in which we will use as a gateway to the discord/IRC to keep the project safe from outsiders and globalist cucks.

Anyhow, lets hope this works out and we manage to bring some fun to the game, on the worse case scenario, we can say e-Kekistan fought bravely for their rightful place on the e-World.
Praise Kek.

PS: Sargon of Akkad is a cuck too.
PSS: Vote Le Pen.
PSSS: check 'em
