Day 1,219, 14:49 Published in Canada USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA

Dear People of eRepublik, and especially Cypriots; Your homeland, your flag and your proud has been saved and settled as Free by Resistance Force of THE OWLS so INCI, I call you to defend your land against invaders, there is one thing left for the Full-Freedom; Northern Cyprus !

Greek & Turkish friends must understand that Cyprus is free, and they mustn't force their chance anymore on invasion of the land. Cyprus won't be alone against Greek and Turkish invaders then.

Especially Turkey has agreed that Cyprus must remain as a Free Country completely, but we want the same behaviour from the Greek friends too. Understand it man, you cannot rull this land, because she is not your Original region and you must respect it.

Greeks and Turks can open their companies in Cyprus and we can help them for their economy as long as they Respect the Freedom of Cyprus.

This land must be in a tragic situation in real, but you ignite the same hatred feelings on eRepublik too by trying to own her like your original region. Stop it tonight. Stop and understand; Cyprus is free !

Turkey & Greece can find different ways to take Grain or whatelse so, Cyprus isn't the only way.
Imagine a Land which is under occupation of 2 country for 5 months. It's time stop this humiliation and you must bring their home to it's real owners, to Cypriots !

In Summary I want Greeks and Turks to know that from now on Cyprus has a defender and guardian which is THE OWLS OF INCI !

Especially Greek friends underestimated us so much until They see our 11 million damage on the battlefield, I don't want them to live the same scene again, and I want them to accept the reality;