Free citizens, Join the Resistance movement !!

Day 1,478, 04:27 Published in Singapore France by Ankor Jael

Dear eSing citizens,

Do not let the dictatorship and oppression settle in eSingapore !! :

- Enemies invasion :

After making them elected to the Congress, these TOers, fake people, only give Citizenship to their malicious friends, all coming from Romania ! They don't respect balance rules !

- No more expression freedom :

Our former President Yzy888yzY wrote an article about the situation and the new CP with his new gov just erased this article after have stolen access codes of our organizations !

Look by yourself what they did : the article.

You want the truth ? here is the article :

Unfortunately i have the sad task to announce that we lost the control of our country.
The Romanian group SPP that begun monthes ago to infiltrate our country, has finally succeeded in taking control of the country.

Let me remind you why they are NOT legitimate:
We have an immigration policy, founding our nation, which goal is to keep the balance between the different nationalities, so we can all build an international community not dominated by a single group from one particular country.
That immigration policy was violated by the romanian group: they used their number to elect their own people and be able to give the citizenship to more people of their group.
They just used brut force to gain majority and finally TAKE OVER the country.

Now they have the president and the majority in congress, so they can rule the country in game.

However, we do not recognize them as the legitimate government of eSingapore since their electors are not legitimate citizen as defined in our immigration policy.
Madalin Masterstrap, elected by the trusted citizens of Singapore, will conduct the resistance movement and its government will lead the country in parrallel until we get control again of our country.

I will ask you to keep faith, because there is still hope: if we stay united and strong we will gain back our country.
We will organize a babyboom, find back our majority and kick the SPP group out of our land!

Yzy888yzy, your former president.

Is that what you want ?

...a cunning and Machiavellian government which got control of the country for his own interest, which under his beautiful words, stealing the country and extort the eSingapore people ??!!

=> If you are with us ! JOIN THE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT !!

and carries the flag of resistance :

Link :
- flag 150x150 pixel :
- flag 600x600 pixel :

example :

=> And do not join the Military Unit : eSingapore Pro Patria

This is the MU of the traitors and thieves !!

Thank you for reading,

Ankor Jael
Former VP and President of Singapore