Freakonomics: V2 Hospitals and Politics

Day 983, 15:55 Published in Philippines Japan by Myung Kei

This might seem like a weird what do V2 Hospitals have to do with changing eRepublik politics? My reasoning from A to B.

For those of us who can remember the old Days of V1 and the bugs and problems that it brought in tow, one of the most critical aspects of the game was the hospital. The average hospital in V1 was a place for people to reboost their wellness after working, training, and fighting, and an easy way to get 50 wellness points after battling once, clicking "heal" and then being over with. At its height, average people didn't need to buy bread, why waste the money when you could just recover the starvation penalty the next day?

Hospitals too, served as critical junctures for experience points and uses of national gol😛 Fights use to give experience points, so if people could fight just 5 times a day, at 2 experience points per fight, they would have 10 experience points more than someone who didn't fight. Leveling up citizens and keeping them active was critical to a country's congressman and presidents, who would join "Training Wars", or a proxy war with 2 countries and had multiple MPP's on the defending side. With the new MPP prices established, small countries usually scrapped together just enough so they could join a Training War, because it not only kept citizens active, but it gave a boost to gun manufacturers and the overall economy.

And finally, Hospitals were crucial to determining the political scene. People had to work in hospital regions, because without the hospital they could not recover as much wellness, and if not were dependent on a house and high Quality food. Not to mention, people in non-hospital regions couldn't fight in wars or gain as much experience. Because people had to work in the hospital regions, they usually stayed there and did not venture out into a country's regions which did not have hospitals. This in turn, resulted in a very interesting political scene.

In eRepublik game mechanics, instead of regions being allocated seats by population, seats are divided out equally between the regions. So if you have 7 regions, each region will have 5 seats, and 5 seats will be wild-cards, or seats given out to runner up candidates who have more votes than other runner ups in the country. However, say that only 2 of these regions had hospitals, the other 5 regions "non hospital regions" would be filled with candidates who neither worked or represented these districts.

Tactical voting was common in this system, some parties would get overwhelming amounts of votes in the most populated hospital regions, but find themselves with less seats than an opposition party who moved voters to "non hospital regions", tactically voted for their candidate, and then sat back as they racked up seats and won majorities or pluralities within Congress with some congresspeople being elected with only 2 or 3 votes maximum.

Then of course, along came v2....

The new changes in time management, hospital rules, fighting, and customization opened several doors of possibility and reform to the political landscape. Most of these tweaks are minute, but may a very powerful impact in the future.

No longer does fighting increase experience, only working, training, studying, resting, voting, and winning an election now gives you all the experience you need. No longer is there a need for fighting, except for a want of "fun" and to get rid of national stockpiles of (insert military weapon here), no longer required for experience or for restoring wellness for free. As a result, there is less of a need for training wars...if no more need for training wars, than there one was. Small countries don't have to spend 200 gold on an MPP for a "training war" that now provides less benefits than the once thought "necessity".

Regions no longer may only have one Hospital in them, you can have one hospital or several, but unless you are fighting, Hospitals no longer have an impact on our routine schedules as 2 clickers. With the time management options and the customization of products such as food and housing, we now have the opportunity to choose how much wellness or happiness we can recover a day.

With the new hospital rules and customization, we citizens now have more freedom to choose where we can live within our country...whether it is in the most populated town squares or the quiet rural areas of the hillside without penalty. As citizens, we are no longer bound by hospitals, giving more freedom of movement around the country as we please, moving around is no longer a pain or a luxury.

What this ultimately means, is that politicians, now living in each of these regions, shall not only easily accessible by the voting population of that region, but be more accountable than a "tactical voting" politician who moves in, gets voted, and moves out. Erepublik Politics has the opportunity to transform and become more regional and voter based, rather than vote based.

Simple case of Freakonomics:

I may not like V2, but as always with the admins, their actions always have unintended consequences, whether for better or worse