France & Italy Plan Invasion of Switzerland!

Day 172, 08:11 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

News has started to circulate that the french government has overwhelmingly begun to vote in favor of a French invasion of Switzerland. The invasion talk was spurred by an earlier signing of a MPP with Norway which would become active on the 12th of May. Soon the president of Italy was also throwing his proverbial hat into the war talks (see source below), citing stopping the Nordic expansion as the cause for Italian support of the war in Switzerland. War is no doubt already knocking on our door in Russia with the Pakistaniis creating a mutual border via China, and now it would appear it has presented itself in our own backyard through the Mediterainian powderkeg. It should be interesting to see what the Scandinavian response is. For the moment, peace appears to be put on hold.

French War Proposal:
Italian decree: