Foxland: A New Hope

Day 3,042, 12:49 Published in Switzerland Israel by Black Coyote

The week of foxes is near its end.

I was really looking forward to the beginning of this event. From excitement i drank too much from the start 😃 and I hope i wasnt the only one 😛

between the end of the punch party and the beginning of the beer party

Alex came up with some clever ideas and we all had a lot of fun(we found out that Plato is a cat person).
Some caught BHs, other spend time on the typewriter creating their own stories and some did both 😃 It was an amazing experience and all that didn`t come will envy us 😛
Personally i was involved in the MU posts, i unveiled my greatest fears 🙂 and also refreshed my friend list with more foxes.

The greatest achievement tho is this:

Even admins envied us!!!

I must say to all of you that since mr.Scrooge gave up on the game it is up to us to brighten it and make it interesting again!

Thank you Alex for taking action, thank you everybody for following!
I hope i will see the Family in greater number next year 😉
Until next year o7

P.S: Headless chicken beware! Some foxes are really hunry!!!

Now cuddle me, i may be a demon but i love cuddles 🙂