Four Things you Should Know

Day 1,495, 07:27 Published in USA USA by Sir Gulden Draak

Greetings dear readers, I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. Having played this game on and off for almost 3 years, I would like to take the time to enlighten you on some things that I have learned over the last few years. Some of these things if you are an older player, you will surely know, but who knows you may learn a thing or two. So sit back, grab a drink, and read along.

1. Just because the USA is fighting in a battle, it doesn’t mean we want to win that battle

This is especially true for resistance wars. Often times, we hold regions for nations to aid them in their defense, or nations loan us regions so that we can get closer to our ultimate target. However, this concept seems to be lost on several of us, and I am not trying to call anyone specifically out here as I have messed up before myself. Just as a rule of thumb, especially when it comes to resistance wars involving us, always double check to make sure you are fighting on the right side. I know it goes against our real life instincts to actually purposely lose a battle, but in this game that is the case sometimes.

Sometimes we want to lose the fight to see if we still feel

2. Know thine enemy

At some point during this game, you will most likely develop a dislike for someone or some entity (congress, a particular nation, etc.). Before you write an article lambasting said person or group, really make sure you know what you are talking about. Nothing will get you labeled an idiot faster in this game than publishing an article that is full of bulls***. Once you have been labeled an idiot, it is often times hard to shed that image. So if you want to pick a fight, make sure you are right in doing so and that all your facts are straight. If you want to attack congress, make sure you are on the forums reading the public congress forum to get your facts straight. If you want to attack a nation, read articles in their media to try and figure out the situation. To put it simply, when you are full of bull it is best to keep your mouth shut, so make sure you do your research.

3. Game mechanics > Roleplaying

This is a hard one to grasp for some people, no matter how long they have been playing the game. It is fun to give ourselves little titles like Captain, Chief of Staff, General, but in the end these are made up positions. The only positions that have real power, are the ones that are elected (CP, Congress, etc.). I am not saying that these positions aren’t necessary, because they absolutely are. However, if there gets to be a point where your role playing of the position gets in the way of you performing your game mechanic duty then you have a problem.

It is fun to salute one another and climb through the ranks of the military, but when you cross the line and believe that you are laying your “life” down for the nation and that you are better than other citizens that fight as well, it becomes an issue. The same goes for congress, if you get elected great, but if you think you are going to waltz in there and try to apply things you have seen on Fox, CNN, CSPAN, or whatever you got a problem. So in the end, seek roleplaying positions if you want, but always make sure you are performing your game mechanic duty.

Don’t take the role play to the extreme

4. At some point you will fail, and people will criticize you for it

There will come a time in this game where you f*** up, possibly by doing one of the three items listed above. Since this is the internet, and people have anonymity, they will likely bust your balls for it. The best thing you can do in these situations, is admit your mistake and move on. Entrenching yourself in your error and taking a me against the world attitude will likely get you no where. This type of attitude has lead to the downfall of several players, including ones in high positions.

At some point you will fail, all you can do is get back up unlike this guy

At the risk of going on too long, I will stop here. Happy Holidays! For those who will be logging on tomorrow, I will be running for congress in Alabama so a vote would be greatly appreciated.

Stay thirsty my friends,

Sir Gulden Draak