Foundation and Duration. The 2 Keys to an Alliance.

Day 732, 08:05 Published in India USA by Jelly9473

So, this topic sort of sparked in a random conversation with Ashwam last night and so I decided to write about it as it is a different article then what I normally write.

Key #1, Foundation

You cannot build anything sturdy and built to last without a foundation and the same is said for alliances.

2 Sub Points - Relations and Locations

You can't randomly build an alliance out of 10 odd countries where only 4-5 have good relations and the others are just "there" to be in for the ride based on strength. An alliance has to be built on friendship and relations. If one 2 chickens in the whole coop don't get along then you will see complete chaos and a flurry of feathers that is non-reversible and definetly not good.
All nations involved need to be friendly with each other, willing to put past problems IN the past if there were any, and ready to defend each other and support to the highest extent.

2. Locations.
I think alliances should be more based on region and area rather then strength. Yes strength helps in a major way but if your allied nations are halfway across the globe they may be reluctant to help since it really couldn't effect them. Say for example that India joins an alliance with Mexico and for some crazy reason pakistan invades us and we cannot somehow hold them off and everyone knows we will be conquered but yet, Mexico won't have to worry about their country being run-over by Pakistan and so they send minimal support and don't put full energy into helping us.

But then, take for example Canada and eUSA (Bro-alliance) 2 neighbors, 2 allies but when PEACE invaded eUSA and Canada. Even if they weren't allies, and even if they weren't both being attacked and only Canada was I'm sure the people in eUSA would be moving to defend their neighbors from PEACE because they know, if Canada was destroyed PEACE would be knocking on their doors.
Alliances should be regionalized because, in my opinion a neighbor nation feels more inclined to protect a nation that if counquered could be a gateway to their destruction.

Key #2. Duration

The points in Key #1 both definetely play into this. Alliances need to be built to last and stand strong.
Now you can't possible think an alliance could last indefinetely but, alliances can last a very long time if built well and no RL conflicts should interupt the alliance, like if India and Pakistan joined together now but down the road Rl Pakistan players join up the alliance would be no more and we'd probably have a conflict on our hands.

The 2 factors that play into this are Size, and The Prize.

1. Size
Now about size, I'm talking both party abour population and alliance size.
Population size though...

[1.a]Everyone knows the bigger nations get more respect, more power, more "rights" and more recognition. Now, Diplomacy can definetely take away the need for a semi-close population but still, you coudn't seriously have an waring alliance with the likes of Indonesia and Malaysia because if Malaysia was foreignly invaded most likely Indonesia would be doing all the hits and if Indonesia was invaded malaysia woudn't do much depending on the attacker.
Diplomacy though, can completely overhaul this whole thing. If 2 nations of crazy size differences are true allies, true friends and maybe even neighbors then the nations involved will be more likely to go all out to defend and not care who's packing the punch because what goes around comes around and if you save someone most likely they're going to save you sometime as well.

[1.b] With the new MPP cost alliances can not be 20-30 nations strong anymore because spending 20000+ gold a month is not possible for many, many, many nations so some MPP's will be more likely sought after and nations will start putting other nations below other nations and problems will occur.
But if you have 5 nicely sized nations or however many each nation can afford on average monthly to keep constant MPP's between all then you have a good strong MPP base and a good defence if you ever need it. You also won't have to worry about having your nation seeming less important then another because the alliance is small, and the payment is possible.
The time for large 20+ nation alliances is done, look at what happened to PEACE.

2. The Prize
Nations need to have the same thing in mind when going into an alliance and all future leaders if possible need the same goal. You can't have a defensive alliance when one nation in it is constantly invading others because that really goes agianst the term defensive.
Nations in alliances need to be working towards the same thing, whether it is for defense, economics, regional stability or just conquering the globe the goals must be the same and the leaders all must 100% share that goal.

Fin. You like?