Fortis Information **Updated**

Day 592, 10:27 Published in USA Canada by Bill Forder

The new proposed Alliance is known as Fortis. The founding members of this new alliance are the United States of America, United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, and Canada. As of now it looks like it will be approved of congress. The alliance's goals and objectives are to promote economic relationships through out the member states. Making sure that all member states are protected. Uniting the member countrys as one as well as other goals. I will publish more information in the newspaper so be sure to subscribe. I just wanted to give the people some information because a lot of the public are unaware of whats going on in congress. Sorry about the poor details, I am a pretty bad writer.
This is the charter link
Sorry about the vague summary except im away from home on vacation and kind of lazy to write. Fortis is an alliance that will be focusing on strengthining member countrys both economically and military wise. Its not that its a secret or anything except nobody wanted to say anything until the project is done or close to it. If you announce a new alliance mid way through it then somebody might want to counter act it or stop it before it comes into action