Former AB CO Speaks

Day 2,187, 18:58 Published in Canada USA by seeker1
Maxmillian VonWillebrand

You have recently returned to the Airborne. I know you were Airborne CO at one time. Could you tell us a bit about your earlier time in the Airborne?

Well, in a word – BBQ!!! I am the original Grill Master, 2-time former CO of the eUS Airborne and proud eUS Airborne through and through!! I served under Leroy Combs back in the day when the eUS Airborne was created. It was a different set back then, compared to today’s group. We were a very tight-knit group, with an amazing online presence during MA’s (Mass Attacks for those who don’t know that old-school lingo…HA!) That’s not to detract from the cohesiveness of today’s AB, just to say it was a different animal then. It was a living, breathing thing (the groups of people who were online during MA’s especially) that grew each week in popularity of showing up and showing off your presence (again, back then it was a different game, a different set of rules and goals). I am glad to see some of that still lives in some of the people I see online day-in and day-out. There still exists that sense of “ever ready” that the AB used to have about it. Again, today’s game is different, and the group we have, especially as part of the eUS Military as a unit within the unit. The Airborne still carries on the same traditions and carries the same honor and pride it always has.

You were away for some time and recently returned to serve as a simple private. What brought you back and why did you again choose the Airborne?

My last answer actually led right in to this, now didn’t it? How nice was I to provide you with such an easy segue to your next topic? In truth, the Airborne has been in my blood since its inception. I was there at the ground level, I saw it grow to what it is today, and I couldn’t resist coming back and being a part of it again. I’m sure Leroy would say something “pretty close” to the same…I’m guessing here, not quoting Leroy Combs…HA!

Now that you have had a chance to experience today's Airborne, how does our organization compare with the one you once led?

.Again, as I said previously, today’s AB is a different animal than the one of my time before. It’s not better, it’s not worse, it’s just different. The culture is still there, and that’s something I’m proud to see still lives on within the group. The culture is diverse, the camaraderie is amazing (especially considering the diversity) and those who are in key command positions seem to keep the ideology of what the eUS Airborne always has been. They continue to reach out and run the show accordingly, ensuring the longevity of our legacy as one of the ‘keystones’ in the history of where we, the eUS Airborne, fits in amongst the ranks of military and para-military groups in time.

Is there anything you want to add?

The only thing I would like to say, really, is thank you. Thank you to all of you who serve. Thank you to all of you who put in your time, as much extra as you can, to serve in your eUS Military branches. It’s different today, than it used to be back when I was heavily involved in a leadership role within the AB, but it still requires just a little extra time out of your day to spend a little more effort serving your time for your branch. A big BOO-YAH to all of you who serve!!

Thank you, Max for your interesting perspective.


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