Formation of the American Business Owners Association

Day 445, 20:05 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

Good Evening America,

This article is the official announcement of the formation the American Business Owners Association.

The ABOA will consist of three sub groups, Manufacturing, Land, Constructions. American GM's can organize as they see fit. This association is meant to have two functions: discussion on matters concerning American GMs and for proposing ideas directly viewable by your Congress and President Uncle Sam's administration(via a majority vote based on registered mems) The sole purpose and intent of this group is meant to serve as a practical means of voicing concerns and suggestions. This Association can in no way directly submit proposals to Congress. The true intent is meant to gain sponsorship from a Congressman who would then submit it to his/her peers for debate, per congressional protocol.

In no way shall ABOA have direct access to the Congress. It's intent is solely for gathering information from the public. Both employees and employers. It will serve as means for people to effectively communicate their viewpoints. What Congress does with it is entirely up to them. If anything may come out of this, it is still mandated to follow congressional protocol, i.e. 5 approvals and a subsequent debate. Before it can be even be proposed.
And as I'm sure you are well aware, Congress intently debates all proposals

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To join and voice your opinions to the current administration register in the eUSA forums. To register your company/citizen as a member visit the sign up thread in the Business Resource Center on the forums. From there visit the ABOA's thread.
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Your opinions and input will be gathered by members of Sam's administration. We all know how lacking communication can be in game. This association is meant to provide a solution to this.
I urge all interested GM's to join. Uncle Sam intends to use this as a way to hear directly from you.

I would also like to invite all employees and citizens to visit the Business Resource Center. A big Hell yea to Kyle321n, Congressman for Indiana, for starting the board. Sign up! get informed from the forums. I hope my efforts here will lead to improved awareness and involvement. The meat and potatoes of this game is handled via the forums. Come participate. Be vocal.

Thanks for your time and the President hopes to hear from you soon.
Vote it up to keep the announcement noticed>>>> If y'all don't mind 🙂

Joe DaSmoe,
VP of eUSA

Forum link.,415.0.html

For citizens who haven't yet joined the forums start here.