Forkks' Debut

Day 2,131, 08:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Forkks

Well it comes down to this, I suppose. Having worked, sweat, and fought viciously for an entire day now it seems it is time to write. Now, I am no brilliant wordsmith, but I shall try my best to make this at least somewhat coherent. Anyways, eRepublik, right? What a wonderful dreadful place, yet I don't see myself leaving anytime soon.

A Day's Report

This game, if you can call it that, is quite intense. Despite disguising itself as a browser-based elongated version of RISK, it actually has some of the most intricate features I have seen in a game , well, ever. I came into this expecting to shoot some people with the click of a button, maybe do some work and call it a day. Little did I know I would literally spend hours on just my first day. At first the constant stream of missions held my attention. Like a carrot on a stick there was always something to strive for. Now that I have two missions available, both going to take at least a few days, my original motivation has died down. So what's keeping me here? Quite simply, the politics.

Never before in a game have I seen a political system so intricate, so worthy of praise as I have in this game. And I came from EVE. The system may seem pretty simple at first. Every country has a president. Every president has a cabinet. And of course, every country has a Congress. Still quite spectacular and a breath of fresh air, but nothing absolutely jaw-dropping. But what really makes this game is the community. People making friendships, rivalries, alliances, and enemies. Some parties spew out propaganda and recruitment, while others sit back and act much more passive. This political system is hardly a system at all, in the sense that it doesn't follow a specific pattern. Despite it only being my second day, I don't think I'll ever not experience something new.

However, coming from EVE, I can hope that someday the economy will become a whole different machine, as now I see no way for new players to build an economic empire without spending real money. Then again, like EVE, this game takes time. As such is the case, you'll be seeing me a lot around here from now on. Even with my job I have oodles of time on my hands and no better way to spend it.

I realize I have yet to introduce myself. My name is Andrew Fisher. This is my cat: