Foreign Threats: How can YOU defend South Africa!

Day 1,110, 19:30 Published in South Africa United Kingdom by John F Baker

These are dark days. In the West, the Brazilian Country President recently unveiled his plans, in an IRC interview with Origineel.NL, to invade our nation for our natural resources. In the East, our close ally Australia is being beaten down by an equally dangerous Indonesia.

The overtly aggressive agenda of Brazil and possible danger of another front spell imminent war, and to combat the threats to our borders, and our allies, there is one answer:

Join the South African Armed Forces today, and defend your country! Get free food and weapons, and follow official orders that will make your fights the most effective.

As a member of the eSAAF and your designated platoon, you will get to know many other friendly and determined eSouth African soldiers and officers, and activity & dedication may see you moving through the ranks to one day command your own platoon!

There are two branches in the Armed Forces:

The Pretorian Guard is South Africa's primary defense force which ensures the safety of her land at times of war. They patrol the borders for enemy activity, practise local training exercises and are ready to strike the battlefield when the nation is under threat. All soldiers receive regular supplies and daily training kits to rank up and gain experience in organised training battles. The Pretorian Guard is home to many of South Africa's congressmen, cabinet, former presidents and those citizens who are committed to a politics career back home.

The Parabats are South Africa's fearsome mobile branch which deploys globally assisting her friends, allies and home nation. These soldiers are a highly skilled special forces group and are on high alert to strike the battlefield at a moment's call, deploying frequently and occassionaly returning home post-operations.

I urge you to consider joining the South African Armed Forces and help defend your nation.

Thank you for reading,
Lieutenant John F. Baker,
Commanding Officer 1/4 Platoon, Pretorian Guard