For those who care

Day 702, 12:35 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Eleriel

Good Morning eSwitzerland !

Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine, the security of the familiar, the tranquillity of repetition. I enjoy them as much as anyone else. But I’m afraid recent events have forced me to take a more drastic approach to what is going on. So, I ask that you listen to me, while I tell you a story. A story, I might add, responsible for the reason why most of you will be reading these lines.

Our story begins, as these stories often do, with a group of young players, wanting to do the right thing. Now, this group is relatively inexperienced, and doesn’t have the support of any major power, but they still try, and create a community. This community gathers momentum, and grows by the day. This group remains small, but their determination grows, and they finally manage to strike a deal, and earn their freedom back.

Sounds like a dream come true, doesn’t it? Well that’s just about where the dream stops. Plagued by bugs, and different attempts to ruin, or take over the country, this initial group of players (the main reason why today eSwitzerland is a free country), must react in order to prevent this country from falling into chaos. And I am one of the voices of this group.

Now, in view, a player who is trying to do everything he can to make sure his country survives. He gets spammed by dozens of PM’s every day, has a titan’s task in trying to get the country back on track, is faced with continuous criticism from people who have no idea what is going on, and worst of all, he has to deal with not 1, not 2, but 3 potential PTO attempts, and maybe more to come.

However, there is hope. Dozens of players have come to help, and offer ideas, constructive criticism, golds, and most importantly understand the need for sacrifice in order to help our country flourish. This does NOT include anyone who has created in party in the last month. A massive 160 gold was spent in the creation of 4 parties, besides from the official one. Although most countries would welcome such widespread interest in politics, allow me to explain why this is harmful to eSwitzerland. In a period where the threat of a TO is very real, this drastic increase in political parties will lead to a great divide in voting, which will help people wanting to PTO. Also, 160 extra gold in the treasury would have done a lot more good than in tiny parties.

What I would really like to say, is that eSwitzerland is not a playground for people to come and mess around in. We are a country, we have fought for, and earned our independence, and we will continue to do so. I will do everything in my power (and that may be a lot more than you think) to ensure the safety of this country.

I’m sick and tired of people saying: hey I have a great idea, I want to reduce taxes, vote for me!!! We all want to reduce taxes, buy a Q5 hospital and make eSwitzerland prosper. For the moment, we don’t have congress which would allow us to change taxes, and we don’t have the funds for a Q5 hospital. So stop using those arguments, you’re simply insulting your own intelligence, by pretending to have awesome ideas that no one has thought of before.

Now, I will publish a list of official candidates on Saturday. I ask anyone who truly cares about eSwitzerland to vote for them. This is not a matter of ideology, this is a matter of survival. I would also appreciate if people joined the official party: the Swiss Liberal Party, as a sign of support to our country.

Our future is in your hands, don't ruin it.

President of eSwitzerland