For the new Congress

Day 888, 12:52 Published in Switzerland Russia by Arschmann
Hello, Congressmen. We have many newcomers to Congress, so I am writing this article.

This is a government forum - If you are not registered there, then do it. Then ask the Clifford about granting you the congressman status. It is easier and faster to do it on IRC.

You passed this difficult test? Now you can officially steal the treasury, raise taxes, thus robbing the people, and make other nice things.

It's no secret that our economy is very fragile thing. We try to bring to stabilize the market and it turns out. But we have to sacrifice income in taxes to increase the profits of managers and workers. To increase their interest in the game.

Therefore, payment MPP is the task of Congress. You think. 40 congressmen. Each has about 5 gold from medal. It is 200 gold. Wrong. Half of Congress, representatives of parties that SLP and their satellites. They believe that he received a medal and you can relax, mission accomplished. The rest is the problem of SNP and the Brain Slugs.

If you are not from these chronic medal hunters, then help your country. Send your gold from medal to the Swiss Confederation Bank. All transactions with the bank carefully documented. Also you can read periodical report.

At the moment we have a problem prolong MPP with Hungary. It costs 150 gold. Go to the forum and engage in debate.

And welcome to the dark side.

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//President of eSwitzerland - Arschmann