For the good of the nation...

Day 884, 14:30 Published in Canada Peru by Sexin

I am running for congress this term. If elected, I will asked to be placed in the reserves and re-focus my energy and attention on two subjects that are important to me.

1) The Economy

Jacobi has tried hard, from what I can tell, to introduce economic reform. I would like to continue working on that and to give the finance minister a little more leeway and freedom to play with tax rates as needed. So often do we need minor tweaks but because the process can sometimes take excessively long, we end up doing more harm than good. We need to take quicker action (if and when needed).

2) V2

Derek Harland appointed someone to begin preperations for V2. Congress should be working with this person to ensure that we, as a nation are as prepared as possible. We need a set of agreed upon ideas and plans and go forward.

so yeah, I am jumping back into politics after taking some time off and I hope I can have your support in the upcoming congressional elections.

Vote Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith in Ontario!