For NEWBIES: Notes on FOOD

Day 2,576, 01:50 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

Food is expensive, oh yes it is... and when I started the game I did not do some simple maths that would have saved me a fair old quid if I had. So to save you from spending more than you need, here are the results of JT's food maths:

Q1 and Q2 foods, at around 5 and 10 cents respectively, are the cheapest way to recover energy. Same for Q3 at 15 cents. Any other quality food will cost more- useful only if you need to save storage space, which is not usually an issue in the early days (damn the luck).

If you can get Q1 or Q2 at less than 5/10 cents, stock up if you can. Q5 looks handy but the higher quality foods can cost two to three times more for the same amount of energy.

Sorry if you already figured this out and are now bored witless! Eat well, fight hard, have fun...