For employees of "Guns 4 USA, Bullets 4 PEACE"

Day 621, 01:10 Published in USA North Korea by Kinn Kane

Hi I'm Kinn Kane

I own the organization "The Spacing Guild" which owns the company you work for.
I want to help you be the most successful at erepublik as possible. The more successful you are the better off we all are!

If you remain active, working everyday I will give you raises as your skill increases.
I want you to try and have 90+ wellness when ever you work. This will increase your production drastically which in turn will get you raises 😉

If you are new you may be wondering how you get to 90 wellness? well its easy to do and I'll explain:

Its all about fighting and using a level 5 quality hospital to heal.

This only works if you are level 5. You need to be level 5 to fight. So if you are not level 5 yet you will need to get a bit more experience. message me if you need tips on exp.

Move to a state with with a Q5 hospital (California or Florida). You'll need to start with at least 40 health (if you have less then this and do not have the funds to raise it send me a message).

First train to increase your strength then fight in a war (it will reduce your health by 10). Go here to find and subscribe to find out where you should be fighting:

Keep fighting until your health is 50 or a little below. You then should be able to use the hospital and since it is Q5 it will heal you 50 wellness which will jump you up to 90+
so as you can see fighting and using a hospital is the quickest and cheapest way to get wellness. plus you earn 2 exp points every time you fight.
but remember you can only use a hospital on the days you have already been in a fight.

After you've battled for the day and you got your health back up to 90 is when you'll want to go to work at your job. you'll be much more productive (because of the high health) and i'll notice it.
you may be then tempted to go and fight again, but don't! go to bed with 90 health. when its the next day (midnight pacific time) you can start again. so remember your day should be like this:

check orders
wait till next day

If you have good food a house it might be better to do it like this:
check orders
wait till next day