For all GR33KZ !!!!

Day 1,466, 12:28 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Mice97

This g33kz cant never understand!! If we are slavs were are antic macedonians. If antic macedonians are greeks why they give the county to slavs ??? How can macedonians be gr33kz when on the first olympic games can only participate greekz people... , if macedonans were greek why they dont participate... Antic macedonians were difrent with everythink with others antic countries.. They spoke greekz becose Arhelaj has moved his capital from Ajga to Pela, becose like that they were closer to all coultures and all tresures. In antic time great acheveing was to know greek languge and cultures. Macedonians were paying to get greek philosoph like a teacher. That is why they spoken greek languige... Will you anderstand this somethime or u will always telling somthing other (lies)... Its true that antic macedonians were aliance with slavs.. that dont meens that they are slavs...!!!!!!!!!

Maybe i have many mistakes wille writeing but sory i was in hury i was mad and type it very fast !!!

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