Food2Rax for President?

Day 468, 19:39 Published in China China by Zhou San

Short answer: Yes with an if;
Long answer: No.

As Modelcon has said in his recent article, Food2Rax needs to address the concerns of the electorate and join discussions on a national stage to prove he is going to be a reliable and loyal leader, and not someone who is planning to hit a retreat button.

With little to no information available to the citizens of eChina on Food2Rax we can only speculate on his intentions. While liberation of China was his doing, he,and Ras Tafari were known to remark that they did it for revolutionary war and war hero medals.

On that note, take a quick look at either of their friends lists. Click on a random friend and odds are he/she will be from Indonesia. EChina lost out to "jackals in monk's robes" before through the actions of an Iranian expat claiming to help China. Shall we lose out now to a candidate who is likely trying to win just another medal? Or worse yet, an Indonesian puppet?

With such a large and militaristic Indonesia on our doorstep, this newspaper urges the electorate to be cautious when they cast their votes in 2 and a half days time. You have 2 choices...
1) An unproven Indonesian who never stepped foot in eChina until the war module was up and running to earn his medals; and who has done absolutely nothing to inspire confidence or to remove the Indonesian shadow cast over him . Or...
2) Logomaster304, who has worked with, in and for eChina since his eBirth.

This newspaper thinks that this is a no-brainer, and urges everyone to weigh the options on election day. Pending a lengthy and solid campaign article by food2rax, our new president should, nay, must be logomaster.

Finally to the members of the Democratic Party (especially those of you I personally know joined only because it was the biggest party), I implore you to cross party lines and add your vote to logomaster. Only he has proven that he will take care of our beautiful country and try his best to protect it from foreign interests....not lead us to them.