Food Prices - eIndia - Someone's laughing all the way to the bank

Day 1,219, 03:04 Published in India India by Graf Sprat

Quick update and analysis of food prices in eIndia

At the time of writing this, q1 food in India is being sold at 0.6 INR which means that the cost of 300 wellness for an indian citizen buying q1 food is 90 INR or 0.91 G.

The same 300 wellness (via Q1) in the markets of USA can be bought at .66 G and in Poland at .55 G. In Black market, the value is even lower

So what is the reason for this 67 % higher rate of Q1 food in India over a Poland. Lets do some number crunching

At the time of writing this article, when q1 food is selling at .6 INR, following are some of the other numbers that impact food production

Grain cost = .03 INR
Salary of a Guru** worker producing 100 units of q1 food = 20 INR

Looking at these numbers, it seems that the cost of producing 100 q1 food =

(.03* 6*100) + 20 = 38 INR

Sale price of the same =

.6* 100 = 60 INR

Profit % = 57% 😉

Which by any strech of imagination is extremely high. This also is in line with the comparative prices in other countries like eUSA and ePoland. Some company owners in q2 and q3 segments have their products listed at lower prices, but the quantity is not large enough to cater to the demand.

So the govt is taking the following action to counter this. Unless the prices of food in eIndia come down to a level more in line with international prices, Govt is going to buy large sums of food and create a ceiling price for the q1 food price in eIndia

I hope this is a short lived phenomenon and gets sorted without too much of govt intervention.