Day 1,215, 06:46 Published in Canada Israel by cyber ninja

Hello Canada! Today I bring you an article about the food prices. Look at them, they are so low right now. They are almost half the price as they were, only 2 weeks ago! Check them out.

Aren't they awesome?

But I think that they might get lower! I am a seller of grain, and this morning, I sold about 435 grain for 0.04 CAD! If that is used in a good way, that can become food worth 0.46 CAD! That would mean every 2 Q1 food could be worth 0.92 CAD, the price food was 2 weeks ago.

We can do this insanely low priced thing because of a change the admins made, and that is the one that every time you work, you make about 2X as many units produced than we could before!

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