Fo Shizzle.

Day 1,138, 20:48 Published in South Africa South Africa by Mr. Wet

Breaking news:

I've heard there is an election coming up sometime in early January. I have no idea for what. But I think its for a high position. Some guy named Grimstone and some dude named Champinator are the leading candidates.

You should vote for one of the two of them. I think. I'm not sure on all the details. Whoever has the most votes I believe makes them the winner. Although, I can't confirm. Hopefully I'll have more soon. Fo Shizzle.

-The Wet Wet
"Ain't nothing but a Wet thang, baby".

EDIT: In all seriousness, read the platforms closely. Try and choose the candidate that represents your ideas and beliefs the closest. If not, throw your name in the hat. We appear to have an opportunity for the first time in a while to have open election. You have the opportunity to choose our future.