FNN Election Coverage

Day 1,436, 23:28 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Yesterday, October 25, eJapan elected its Imperial Diet for the next month. This month, voting was held in seven regions, and six of these elected five Representatives each. Today, region by region, FNN reports the results.

In forested Chubu near the center of Honshu, the five winners stood well ahead of the pack, at seven votes each for four of them, and eight votes for first place finisher n2ghost. He and Gagamel together snagged the top two spots in the region for Team Nippon. In third, New Komeito Party President Erumaron was successful in his first campaign since leading it to Top Five status in ten short days. The remaining seats went to Vincent Garabaldi and J6m3, both Shinsengumi.

The border region of Chugoku, long a staging ground for the Japan-Korea training war, was barely contested this month. With six candidates running, and five of those elected, the competition and voter turnout were both slim. Shinsengumi leader Zetsurin led in the balloting, followed by ULJ veteran Origineel. The next three had only two votes each, a steep drop from the leaders' totals. MacBen and Adam K Lezno took two of these seats for Team Nippon, and the last went to AV Girl running under the ULJ.

Snowy Hokkaido was host to a bit more competition. With several well-known citizens contesting the region, newer challengers were unable to get a foothold. Of ten candidates in the running, five active veterans were electe😛 Fruitcommando and Vai Siv from Team Nippon, Spider1986 from the NKP, and Darshu and Ecka of the ULJ.

The capital region of Kanto is almost always first in the country in number of votes, and this month was no exception. ULJ member Master Tigers led the region and the nation with nine votes. Tied for second with eight were Akki, also of the ULJ, Yoshi Midori of the NKP, and Team Nippon members binhiro and Nowe. Two wildcards were also elected, with seven votes each: BojanKrkic of Team Nippon and Shtirlits Sbs of the Shinsengumi. Just behind in the 5-6 range are well-known names Akira Kaburagi, Metic and Squibeel, barely missing the chance to be elected.

Two regions did not elect representatives. Kinki, under occupation during the candidate registration period, was unable to offer any legal candidates. Kyushu, on the other hand, began voting Tuesday morning, but all the ballots were lost when the training war moved south early that afternoon. Since several of the candidates there were illegitimate, this may have been a blessing in disguise. Even so, well-regarded citizens such as Lyuline were also shut out by the disrupted election.

The neighboring island of Shikoku elected the most candidates, with a grand total of eight -- five regular representatives, and three wildcards. Only one vote was cast for an unsuccessful candidate, leaving Shikoku the largest percentage of "picking the winner" of just about any election in our history. Kobe Bryant and exReality of the DoJ, Auraborus and Ereinon Gilgalad of the ULJ, and the NKP's Hepha0 made up the regular candidates. The wildcards were Shinsengumi member Valours, and two from Team Nippon: Laurence of Arabia and madao-madao.

Finally, in earthquake-wracked Tohoku, only five candidates were registered. ULJ's Myrrh-nee and DoJ candidate Isotrk were joined in their uncontested win by Dokomo, Geezu7s and The Greatest Japan. If there had been fewer than five candidates, the number of Congress Members would have decreased even more sharply than from the invalid Kyushu election. If eJapan's activity level continues to rise, we may see a much livelier picture next month.