Flamur for RFA Party President.

Day 571, 06:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

I’ve decided that I’ll be running for Party President in RFA. This is for a number of reasons, most notably that I feel I can help move the party in the right direction, together with its members.

Many of you newer players won’t know me. And I wouldn’t be surprised, seeing as a took a break a few months ago. I joined eRepublik on day 48 of the New World. The 7th of January, 2008. So I’ve been here a long time. In my time here, I’ve achieved a variety of things. Many of the people who have heard of me would have done so because of my history with the eUK Military. I was part of the military since the forming. Since then I’ve been CO of the eUK Reserves, Para’s and Elites. I was also voted into the HoL as a Lord. So I’d like to think I’ve achieved a lot militarily, and my participation in political debates had gained me a slot in the HoL. I’m also your current Party President.

But on to the matter at hand, the RFA Party President Elections. There are really a number of reasons that I feel the need to run for Party Presidency. The RFA has recently gone through a few tough times, with problems in their image, which has ended in multiple name changes, and most recently the Sinn Fein fiasco. However, even through these issues I feel that many members in the RFA have put a lot of work and effort into the party to ensure that it moves forward. The platform is there, now all we need is someone to unite the party and build forwards, as one. I feel that I’m that person, for a number of reasons.

I don’t think it’s wise for me to write a manifesto about a number of policies that I want to try and introduce to the country. Instead, I’m going to tell you how I plan on improving the party and taking it another step forward. Should I win Party Presidency, my main aims for the party would be to work very closely with its members to improve its membership and publicity. I plan on working on ideas that I have and ideas that members have come up with in order to achieve this. Many ideas have risen, and I plan to discuss and debate with all of them. Changes will be decided on by the party, and we will implement them together. Changes such as forum revamps, party positions and plans for how we move forward will all be discussed on the forums and this is how we’ll become the party that can contend with the already established parties.

I do believe that we can run for CP. Maybe not at this point in time, but I strongly think that should we work as a party and move forward using the building blocks that you members have created for the party, then we can achieve a lot, both in the congress elections and possibly the country elections. The RFA has a lot of potential and many dedicated and enthusiastic members. I feel that I can add to that and tap into this potential and lead the party to a stronger future. Many people would have noticed that maybe I don’t have as much political experience as the other party leaders. But what I do have is the attitude and mentality to lead a party such as the RFA. A party with so much variety and energy that it could definatly become something big. Many people who do know me would agree that when I put my effort into something, I will give my all into making that something successful.

I hope that you believe I can bring something to the RFA. And I hope that I’ve proved to be a worthy contender for a rapidly developing party. Vote Flamur on the 15th of June if you want to be a part of something big.