Five Reasons To NOT Ally With Serbia

Day 1,520, 11:13 Published in USA USA by Alexander Roderick IV

At first I thought this guy Pizza The Hut II was kidding when he kept threatening the eUSA of a Serbian PTO. Now in the past few days this guy has not only insulted the rulers of eUSA, but he has also threatened the eUSA people, he has compared himself to the great MLK and he is now telling his audience that the eUS should abandon our trusted allies to join eSerbia.

Now I present to you five reasons of why we (the eUS of A) should NOT ally with Serbia.

Quote from Pizza The Hut's article. It is my belief that we need a totally new alliance. We need to ditch some untrustworthy "allies" such as Turkey, and replace it with the superpower of the eWorld, Serbia.

Reason #1

Serbs are some of the funniest, nicest people in the game. Seriously, they seem to have a genetic predisposition towards always saying lulzy stuff. In a world full of thugs like the elites who run the eUS government all the time, wouldn't it be nice to actually laugh once in awhile?

Reason #1

I'm sure there are some nice Serbians, but the rest of TEDEN are also nice people. Especially our Turkish brothers whom have ridded the Middle East of all ONE powers (with help from Greece of course) these guys are nice people just like the rest of our TEDEN allies. If you ask me, eTurkey has done more than enough to be deemed a trustworthy ally.

Reason #2

Serbia is the most powerful nation in the game and having them on our side would totally alter the power dynamics in the eWorld and protect the eUSA from future humiliating invasions from enemy nations. Further, it would help the eUSA to become a first rate power, rather than a 2nd rate nation which is often at the mercy of more powerful forces.

Reason #2
No, Serbia is no longer the most powerful nation, if it was then where was Serbia when Poland, United Kingdom, Iran, FYROM and Spain were wiped? Now Serbia itself is under the pressure of being wiped. As you can obviously see, America does not need to ally with Serbia and become a ONE nation. TEDEN is now the new world force and we must stick together. Also if you have looked at the map recently I think that has confirmed that America is a first rate nation. We have spread our influence across Europe and have helped our brothers in arms. America is on the verge of doing great things with our allies and we cannot squander this opportunity by backstabbing our friends that have helped us through soo much in the past few months.

Reason #3

The elites all have a prejudice against the Serbs and treat them like they are a plague upon the eWorld. There is no better way to stick it to them than to try to replicate what they did to us with the hordes of INCI which once infested the eUSA, but to do so with honorable players.

Reason #3

No I highly doubt the "elites" have prejudices against the Serbs. May I remind all of you who it was that occupied almost all of our territories less than three months ago? You guessed right it was the Serbs. It is now time for us to keep the pressure on and return the favor by wiping Serbia. I applaud the eUS congress and the Oblige administration and the rest of our friends TEDEN for making the right choices that have allowed us to come this far. Together we are invincible! This is just a game and we want to show the world that we are a force to be reckoned with by wiping Serbia!

Reason #4

It would mitigate a lot of the cheating that goes undetected and unpunished in the eUSA. There are a substantial number of clones and people who operate them, and they manage to avoid being caught by the Admin. This unfair and illicit practice needs to have something to counterbalance it.

Reason #4

o\ Having Serbs PTO America or an alliance with Serbs would end cheating in eRep? C'mon son we know that's a lie.
Reason #5

Every Serbian ally we bring in to the eUSA, is another vote to make me Country President.

Reason #5

Endorsing a Serbian PTO is the only way you will become Country President?
Good job PHut dos, you blew your cover. Don't vote/follow/support PHut and his terrorist plot. But I know you guys are smart enough to come to that conclusion already.




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