First Voting Report

Day 553, 09:41 Published in USA USA by James S. Pfeiffer

People of Louisiana, when I entered into office this morning there were six pending laws.

1. Donate 17 Gold to C.S.A. Inc. - No
2. Raise the Minimum Wage to 1.01USD - No
3. Raise the Citizen Fee to 6USD - No
4. Impeachment of President Scrabman - No
5. Raise Import and Income Tax - No
6. Issue 1USD for .005 Gold - No

My reasoning for voting No on all of these measures was that they were proposed as a joke. They were proposed to allow outgoing and incoming members to reap the experience you get for voting in Congress.

On another note, I will be moving to New Jersey. This is only because of my desire to be able to effectively aid in the defense of our nation. The Q5 Hospital in New Jersey will allow me to fight more, and recoup my wellness. I hope you understand my reasoning.


-James S. Pfeiffer
Louisiana Representative (Federalist)
United States Congress