First Steps of the Emperor

Day 1,543, 12:21 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

Wow it's been a while since I've wrote so I guess it's time to get back into it a little slowly. Where to start? Let's start with Austria, it has been PTO'd by Hungarian's not acting within Hungary's interest. They are those ultra nationalist types who claim to attempting to better the lives of us Austrians, when in fact they are devious in nature. They have claimed to create Austria an 'empire,' for there first act to make us an empire they are giving away Austrian land to Hungary, for free. Yeah that's right, so called Nationalists who want to role play/or act out there Hitler fantasies are giving away land, seems legit right? I guess that's how you make an empire is by giving away land.

/end irony.

In any case this is an appeal to all real Austrians and eAustrians to work together and dethrone these pretenders. Austria has always had a soft spot close to my bosom, and it's time I repaid my debt to society and begin helping them out with whatever I can do.

Oh and in other news the weaboos took control of Japan, now there is no more Japan, kudos to Sophia Forrester and her lapdog Squibeel you have steered Japan on the true path of the righteous nation philosophy.

Hugs and Kisses,
Alfred Ball