First steps - help your ebaby

Day 1,509, 03:19 Published in Croatia Croatia by resoperka

with bulgarian, romanian, spanish and croatian version on bottom

This article is designated as for newbies so is for more experienced players who want to help their refferal players and ebabies(just send them link of article to e mail when you see that they logged in). it will help them overcome first couple of days and prevent them to leave game cause they didn’t get any help about basics of the game. We are all aware that those first couple of days are most important to keep players active. so I am trying to help them in their first days.

Hello enewbie

In this article you ll be able to see what and how to do in first days of your elife while you don't catch basics of game. Erepublik is pretty simple and it takes only 5 minutes to get through all things i wrote

FACT no 1. – erep day begins at 10:00 Istanbul/Sofia time, 09:00 CET, 08:00 GMT, 03:00 Eastern time (US), 00:00 Western time (US)...

First you have to find a job
Go on My Land

First spot on My Land is always reserved for company in which you are (or will) working. Lets neglect other icons for the begining

If you press suitcase (it means you don't have a job) you ll be transfered to Job Market. Apply for job with the highest salary

And now, you just need to work :

FACT no 2 – you can work only once per day at other playars factories. So, that means that you can apply and work again at the beginning of next eday

Let's go to work in companies that are in your posession. Currently you have 3 farms who produce food raw material and 1 factory who produce food (made from food raw material). Work in them as in earlier presented case. Now, you don't get salary, but raw and food. You ll need food to renew lost health (energy)

When you are done with work, it's time for training. Training is very important (vital) cause you get strenght on which your war influence in battles will depend. Training centre is also situated in My Land :

If you worked and trained in same day you have right on small bonus so i recommend you to pick it now :

FACT no 3 – every activity (work, training, fighting in battles) reduces your Health for 10 points. You can recover Health by consuming food (whether you produced it in your factory, someone donated it you or it was bought on market)
You recover Health by pressing „eat food“. Pay atention that button is blue color at the moment.

Of course, you cannot recover Health indifinitely. After you reach your limit - it is recharged at 100 health per hour.

If in possesion of Energy bar (who looks like this in your storage) who are easily collected in early game

then even after reached limit, it will be offered to you to recharge your health. Catch is, that now you will not use food (which is quite cheap) for recharging but Energy bars (or candies as some ppl call them). Difference is easily spotted as button is not blue any more but – ORANGE. Using Energy bars in your early elife is pointless and do not do that!!! Rather wait for another hour and recharge with food. One day when you ll have bunch of these in your storage (and when you use them for really good cause) you ll be thankefull to me 😉. So have this photo in your head.

And now, let's go to war module. First you need to pick wars and battles in which you ll help your country, or maybe yout ally. Pressing Wars you ll be transfered to page with active battles going on.

Pressing on one of Fight buttons you ll enter desired

So this is war module. You fight by pressing Fight button (wow, who would say  ) and therefore raise influence for your side in that battle

You can fight (1 fight = -10 Health) that many times you can renew your health. After reaching limit you ll be offered to use your hardly won Energy bars. At that point STOP the fight and wait for time when you can recover Health with food. So, don't forget, when this situation is present

at ease!!!!!

IMPORANT NOTICE: don't buy weapons at the beginnig, fight without them and keep money for more important things.

Your daily tasks are over for today (you can fight many times if food is available) and some more advices needed in first days

1. little help is available with missions waiting to solve on left side of the screen

They help to get into game and give some small bonuses and rewards. Press the icons and you ll see what they ask from you, when targets are accomplished just press icon again and pick reward. Prizes are often symbolic so no need to hurry with solving them.

2. at the beginning of the elife GOLD are being collected quite fast (up to 25-30 in first month) . As beginners are not aware of it's value, DON?T waste them unless you ask advices from more experienced players.

3. fighting in war or working on farms will help getting small parts for building bazooka's and toolboxes. You can see your collectibles in storage. Don't break your head with them now, just remember that newbie is not in position to exploit them in full power. So be patient and don't assemble until you understand what you can do with them.

4. join some of brigades, meet friends, go on chat and they ll also help you getting familiar with game

5. put link of the game in your bookmark so you don't forget to come tomorrw 😉

More less that's it. Don't give up, be patient, play couple of weeks to see does game fits you and enjoy

And for the end, if you had any benefit from this text return on top of the page and give me sub and vote.
You ll find VOTE in upper left corner

And upper right side you have subscribe button

If you want to get next edition, still hot from the printing office – add me as a friend
You can also shout this to your friends or/and brigade and pls give vote (it takes only 10 seconds 😃 )to croatian edition as well (it's important to me ass well)

if there will be interest for this article, i will also translate my previous ones :
How to get BH/CH medals (for dummies)
How to extra (pocket 😛) money on market (for dummies as well 😃)

Romanian version available here - thanks to The Vibess
bulgarian version available here thanks to Khan Su
spanish version (chile) - - by Slordak

Thanks for reading

Sea is drowning sailors and those who live on the shore are drown in sorrow