First Rays of a New Rising Sun

Day 735, 22:34 Published in Israel Israel by Hyman Roth

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise”
-- Oscar Wilde

We stand, fellow Israeli's, at the dawn of what many of us hope is a new day. The coming elections, both Knesset and Presidential, must be for our nation nothing less than the first rays of a new rising sun.

We have indeed suffered at the hands of devastating betrayals and thievery. We have endured the wrath of our poor decisions, the stain of poor leadership, the single-handed destruction of what so many of us have worked so hard for by our past leaders. Yet, I can only wonder, in the words of Oscar Wilde, are these bitter trials the blessings in disguise we, as a nation, needed?

I choose to believe, without hesitation, that they are. That our small yet glorious nation has learned invaluable lessons in the past months. We have seen the lines drawn between those who hope our beloved Israel to great heights, and those who would see her falter. Still, these are but words in a random article. It is now that the hard work, and collective commitment to our future, must begin.

We have seen our treasury vanish three times now, and even in the face of administrative castration of contracts, our nations true leaders have made great strides towards protecting our future funds. We have withstood the betrayal of two presidents, motivations and revisionist history being what they are. Our ideas are often powerful and passionate, but seldom coordinated or actionable.

Progressive, multi-party plans such as the Aid For Immigrants Program, the UZSP Maccabee Strike Force, and a dynamic, bi-lingual New Welcome Message were well under way before the chaos of our most recently impeached president ensued. There is no doubt we have the will. We simply must find our way.

And in doing so, we must enter our new dawn with conscious, careful choices for our renewed leadership. Note those parties that have dramatically grown with little explanation. Review your regions candidates. There are many unfamiliar names on the ballot absent of any presentation or national resume that wreak of party politics. Place your votes wisely, and consider the context of our current state of affairs.

Most importantly, let us not be held hostage by our tragic history, those that enacted it upon us, nor those that support the reemergence of these figures from our dark past. We stand strong as a nation, aware (and wary) of our of history, and craving our promise of future glory.

On this election eve, I beg each citizen to vote and voice your claim to our new dawn. There are many that would see us place our fates in the tainted hands of yesterday. I can only hope that we learn from the travesties of our past, move on from the personalities and actions that have betrayed us all, and make tomorrow the first day of our shared, new, eIsrael.

Hyman Roth
Concerned eIsraeli
UZSP Party President