First Phase of Pakistani Expansion Complete.

Day 154, 13:03 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

Unnoticed by many Norwegians, Finland was not the only country to lose its sovereignty last night. While the nordmen woke up to news of the victory close to home, little coverage was given to the fact that Pakistan, under the leadership of the God Emperor, had completed the assimilation (destruction?) of India.

The significance of the hostile takeover of India is still uncertain. Is Pakistan only testing the war module (like many countries including our own), or is this possibly only the first step in a massive global campaign, that if the comments of Pakistani citizens are any indication, will certainly one day end up on our doorstep?

Should the Pakistani military turn its forces towards the great white north it is the responsibility of every Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Finnish citizen to do everything they can to support the nations that stand between eScandinavia and the Pakistani threat. I for one would personally like to know what our great government's position is, should Pakistan's quest to "cover the world in sand" continue.