First Impressions

Day 1,400, 04:02 Published in USA USA by Elizabeth Clift Bacon
Hi, I'm Elizabeth Clift Bacon

My friends call me Libby.

Dateline : Tuesday September 20 (Day 1400)

Welcome to my new newspaper. Thanks for stopping by. Coffee's on, help yourself.

You may know me as George Armstrong Custer's gal. After watching him play eRep for two years, he finally convinced me to join as well. I started off in Switzerland when he was on his not-so-secret mission there, and stayed on a while after he returned to the US. I joined the USMilitary's USArmy when I met the requirements, then transferred to the Training Corps to gain the basic entry level experience every soldier needs.
I have assisted Custer in his Challenge Coins and Monday Minutemen projects, even filling in for him to put out his newspaper when he could not do so.

But make no mistake about it, I am my own woman. I play my own game just as I live my own life. No man has pulled my strings since I was six, when Daddy learned that he was "not the boss of me."

I am a journalist by trade, most of my work the past two decades being in the form of market analysis reports for the Tech industry. With this eRep newspaper I will try my hand at a more personal form of writing, for my own and hopefully for your pleasure.

My focus in Bacon Bits will be on the women of eRepublik. This is not to say men will be excluded or are not welcome to read and join in the conversations. But if you're looking for "chick pics" and "boobs and kittens," you're in the wrong place, boys.

I have been, and continue to, conduct casual interviews with strong women, and am in the process of developing an initial series of articles in which we will explore our identities.
"Who Are You?" will begin with dissecting our avatars, the symbols and imagery we choose as our visual presentation of self. Moving forward, the series will discuss the aspects of our RL selves that we bring to the game. I am confident that more topics of substance and depth will present themselves through these conversations.

I ask our female players to give this some serious thought, and contact me so we might meet in IRC or exchange game mail, so your point of view may be heard in this newspaper.

I'll close now, and let today's inaugural edition of Bacon Bits stand as a simple introduction. Watch your Subscriptions list and Shouts column for the next edition, possibly as soon as late today.

Always and forever, your friend,

Elizabeth "Libby" Clift Bacon