Day 460, 06:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by DeMoNiAk
Dear readers

I am very glad 1 can finally publish my first edition of
I have given it alot of thoughts about what to write in
my first edition, but I couldn't make an easy dissision.
I still hope the written articles are usefull and make
you decide to vote or subscibe or perhaps even do both.
Ofcourse I need comments to give me feedback about what
you think of this very first edition, but please try to
keep in mind I am citizen of the eNetherlands and that
I have not a perfect knowledge of the English language.

Have fun eReading!


Dear citizens of eRepublik,

2 Days ago after I did my daily routinejobs, I had a nice
talk with a few of my fellowcitizens of the eNetherlands.
I always like to have long talks and long discussions
about my future eLife with them.
I was proud to announce I already nearly had reached
strengthlevel 4, which I thought was a very cool thing to
announce and brag about.
I was happy that according my calculations I could
easily reach strengthlevel 5 within the next 11 days.

How wrong can a good private be in his judgement and
long term calculations?
I will give you the answer to that question eBrothers
and eSisters.
The answer to that question is: WRONG, very WRONG!

Here is why:
One day after my nice talk and bragging around, so
yesterday, I made a very disturbing discovery.
My strength was no longer increasing with 0.1 strength
per day, but I saw it increased with only 0.04 strength
after I trained that day.
At first I thought I was seeing ghosts, so I decided to
watch carefully what extra strength I got the day after.
And indeed, my strengthlevel increased with only 0.04
points and not anymore with 0.1 like i was used to get.

So I went that afternoon to the eLibrary and tried to
find out all what was ever written about training your
After the friendly female eLibrarian told me she really
had to close the doors I stumbled towards home.
At home I couldn't find my innerpeace, just because I
was still curious what caused this sudden change in
my strengthincreasement.

After many hours of hanging on the phone with some of my
best eFriends I went to bed, very disappointed ofcourse
that I still did not find out the things I wanted and needed
to know so badly.

In the middle of the night I woke up and tried to calculate
back my strengths of the last days by writing them down.
That way I think I finally found out what was and still
is causing the difference.

3 Days ago:
My strength 3.87 (before training)
Increasement of strength 0.10
My strength 3.97 (after training)

Day before yesterday:
My strength 3.97 (before training)
Increasement of strength 0.10
My strength 4.07 (after training)

My strength 4.07 (before training)
Increasement of strength 0.04
My strength 4.11 (after training)

My strength 4.11 (before training)
Increasement of strength 0.04
My strength 4.15 (after training)

So eCitizens, after someone has reached strengthlevel 4,
he or she gets 0.04 strength after training and no longer
0.1 strength!.

Most of the readers of this article already knew this
ofcourse, because they already possess strengthlevel 4
for some time now and already are used to the increase-
ment of 0.04, but I am sure alot of new eWorld citizens
(like myself) didn't knew this fact yet.

In my opinion there is really alot of difference between
getting 0.1 and 0.04 strength after training.
In stead of the planned 11 days it costs me now roughly
27 days to reach strengthlevel 5, which is 2.5 times
longer than i had planned!


Dear citizens of the eNetherlands and other eCitizens of
the PEACE-alliance,

Via the above link you can see how the voting goes in the
Romanian parliament.
At the moment I wrote this article there were 29 votes
for yes to a war against Iran and 0 votes against it.

We can almost be certain a war between Romania and Iran
is inevitable if we look to these votingresults so far, although
the The law voting process still takes 16.30 hours.

Iran is allied with the eNetherlands because we are both
members of the PEACE-alliance.
I will be one of the Dutch eCitizens that will go to Iran to
help them out a bit against the Romanian terror.

If you want to fight and have the courage to fight, then
probably tomorrow will be a good day to show Iran we are
a worthfully ally of them.
I think we all expect something simulair from them if
our country is under siege.

I hope to see you there on the battlefield with me!
Don't forget to heal THERE before you turn back to the

Be good, be proud and try to come back in 1 piece.
