First Edition

Day 371, 10:55 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ajay

Well everyone I'm finally Level 8 and able to open a Newspaper. The South Africa Guardian opens today and will report on the state of our nation. Plus whatever else I feel like reporting on. That's just how this newspaper does it's business.

Firstly let me introduce myself for those that don't know me. My name is Ajay I'm a South African born male that currently lives in the United Kingdom outside this game. I enjoy dinners by candle light, long walks on the beach and independent films. I'm also working very hard on updating the South African Wiki pages. So if anyone wants a page edited or making just drop me a message.

Today's Events

- Congress Elections seem to be more like Congress appointments by the Top 3 parties today. With all candidates getting in. Meaning for the first time in awhile the CAU are going to be outnumbered by the native candidates in Congress. There have been many a bug though with many candidates mysteriously disappearing yesterday.

- War is still Cold in Brazil-Argentina, Indonesia-Argentina, Spain-Portugal. Despite a ATLANTIS attempt to free Northern and Western Cape from Indonesian occupation just the other day. With Bugs in the War Module hurting all sides in this conflict.

- Finland's fight for Freedom of all it's regions from Norway continues in Western Finland. While the Official Army got stopped in Oulu by Norwegian forces the other day. We are told this war is a war game between the two Scandinavian countries. Finland will get it's regions back but not before they have some fun.

Last Word

South Africa after today maybe one step closer to seeing the natives back in control. What the Croatians will do once they have lost power is anyone's guess. With control of Congress by SAIL soon the damage they can do will be limited greatly. So we look forward to a free and fair South Africa in the near future.