First Edition

Day 799, 08:08 Published in USA USA by Redheartwolf

The soldier stepped off the transport truck and looked around. The area looked like a cross between a rundown slum, and a junk yard. Sgt. Redheartwolf could not decide if the diver had made a mistake in the destination that was to be his new home. Redheartwolf began to walk towards what seemed like the command building (it was the less run down building). As he reached to open the door, he was thrown back ward 10 feet from a force that blew the door off its hinges.

“WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON OVER THERE?” someone shouted as they ran past Redheartwolf. “For crying out loud, Sergeant get off the ground. I guess we will consider that your welcoming committee.” Redheart got up. The ringing in his ears was beginning to subside. He wiped his face with his hand and looked around for his duffle bag. Picking it up, he walked back to the building. When he entered the building he could see a crowd of people surrounding someone lying on the ground.
“Man that was awesome.” Someone said as Redheart came upon the group. “Private I swear, one day you will blow yourself up playing with this fool crap of yours. I do not remember authorizing this at all.” The man yelled at the soldier. As the Sergeant began to get noticed from some in the group they all began to turn and inspect him.

The man that Redheart had seen run past him on the way came over and shook his hand.“Oh yea, this is our new Sergeant. Sorry for not introducing myself before when I ran past ya. I am Lt.Christopher Eller. I run Charlie Six. You will be receiving orders from myself and then you can carry them down to these guys. Well I will talk to you after you get settled. FearMentor will show you to your room. Just find my office when your ready and we can talk then.”
The Lieutenant said as he began to walk out, then stopped and turned and looked at the private still sitting on the floor and said “Pvt. Caudill, if you ever, EVER try another of these insane experiments again, you will be in the latrine with a toothbrush until it is spotless. And I mean the outdoor latrine.” He then turned around and walked out mumbling something about a brainless halfwit.

The private got off the ground and walked up to Redheart. “Hi Sarg, I am Virgil Caudill. Sorry about the blow up. I was trying to double my firepower for the charges and I guess it was too much. I can introduce the rest to ya….” He was saying but a bigger guy grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him out of the way before he could finish talking. “Heck no you aint. You are gonna get busy cleaning up this place cause I will not get stuck doing it again Virg. I can do the intros and then do as the LT wanted and show the Sergeant to his bunk.”

The man was about a foot taller than Redheart was. He was also about twice his size, “Sergeant, I am Pvt.FearMentor. I suppose you could say I and Virgil are the longest members of the platoon. That is why we are kinda rough to each other. But it doesn’t help that the fool kid gets himself into a lot of trouble that I keep trying to get him out of.”

Redheart heard Virgil pipe up at that instant “Fool kid? Who the hell is the fool kid? I am not no kid. I may be a fool but not a kid.” He said as he was picking up pieces of plaster from the floor. “Oh shut the hell up or I will inform the LT about your weekend pass time you used to go visit that ambassadors girl when we were in South Africa.”

Turning to the Sergeant, FearMentor said, “Ya see Sergeant, this is the thing, our Platoon has a few “people” that would make you think twice about. You will get to meet them soon. And when you do, you will have questions.” he said with a very unnatural grin “Boy will you have questions….”