First Edition of eUS Military Newspaper

Day 2,580, 11:10 Published in USA USA by vrpanch

This is the first article for this newspaper, I have volunteered to be the director for this centralized newspaper and feel that it is my duty to explain the goals and idea behind it. This newspaper will be the go to source for all news related to the eUS military and its branches. It will have weekly articles, with segments from branches that have news to report. I look forward to working with Jadiv, Alexander Valkor II, Nfin, Snorunt30, Jack Mensley, Eric Vanderberg and K9funn661 and to provide information for their respective branches and the eUS military in general. I do not expect every branch to have weekly segments; however, the ones that provide me with articles will be included. My goal for this newspaper is to make it easier for members of eUS military and other interested parties to get information about all the branches in one place. I am hoping that it will help create a closer community between branches, along with attracting prospects to join our community.

Major command structural changes and Promotions

The biggest news in the eUS military is resignation of Cyber Witch as the CJCS. It was a shock to all of us when we heard the news. She has been with the eUS military for such a long time that I don’t think she even remembers the year she joined. She has been the CJCS for 3 years, taking over after Bradley Reala resigned as CJCS back on September, 2011. Cyber Witch has seen many things from the changes of the game mechanics to changes within the eUS military. However, through all of that she has been an unshakable and enduring member of our Military, supporting and helping everyone who asked her for it. There are few people who do not know the name Cyber Witch in eUS. I would like all of you to help me thank her for all her years of service and remind her how much we will be missing her and her broom. She will be formally re-joining Airborne, not that she ever left. 😉 I know I’ll keep looking forward her beatings for old times’ sake, if you need a beating, I’m sure you can find her in the #NewRecruits channel when she is online. 😉

Jadiv has taken over as CJCS. God help us! I am of course joking, and certain the he will be able to fill the big shoes that Cyber Witch has left for him. There have been some few other changes in the JCS. With Jadiv’s promotion, National Guard will be led by Jack Mensley as CO and Eric Vanderberg as his XO. Alexander Valkor II, also known as SVV, has been promoted to be the XO of USMC. Also with the resignation of Seeker1 as CO of Airborne last week, she was promoted to Vice-CJCS and vrpanch will take command of Airborne, and my XO will be K9fun661. We plan to work hard and together to make eUS military better for everyone, while trying to maintain what we all love about our community. All these changes mark a new chapter in the long history of eUS Military, and will work to make it an interesting one!

News from National Guard

Hello, I’m Eric Vanderberg! For those of you who don’t know me, I am the newly minted Executive Officer (XO) of the eUS National Guard. Like many members of the MU, I started out in TC before moving onto my branch of my choice which was at the time National Guard/Home Guard. Back in the day of V1, the guard was your first step before moving out to the Army, Mobile Infantry, Rangers, or Airborne. I however decided the Guard was perfect for me and decided to make it my career choice. Nearly 6 years and countless battles later, here I am at the top of the Chain of Command. I couldn’t have gotten here without hard work and advice from friends I made here in NG both on forums and IRC.
RL wise, I am an EMS Dispatcher from the East Coast of the US and I love shooting, hanging with my friends and gaming. I can honestly say that I love my job, my friends, and my MU and I look forward to the future as the XO of the Guard.

Eric Vanderberg
XO, National Guard

News from Airborne

As most of you are aware, Seeker1 has resigned and I have been placed in charge of Airborne. I have chosen K9fun661 to be my XO and he has been approved by the rest of the JCS members. Our goal is maintain the traditions that were put into place by our predecessors such as having weekly articles, quarterly contests, other Airborne policies which we all enjoy and know. My main goal as CO will be to maintain the high standard of leading that seeker1 had, and I will be working just as hard for all of you. My long term goals are to grow Airborne and try to make changes to make Airborne more adaptable. For now I will be focused on getting a full grasp on my duties and when the time comes, I will hold discussion with all of you to see how we can improve Airborne. To me Airborne isn’t just a branch; it’s my home, where my friends are. As your commander my job is make your experience in this game better, while leading and guiding you. So to that I end, when the time is right, I will want know what you all love about Airborne? What do you dislike about Airborne? After taking into considerations your comments, we will have a better idea of what needs to be changed and how we can enhance what you love about Airborne.
As I mentioned earlier, Cyber Witch will be joining Airborne formally. I am sure that all of you PCO’s will be hoping that she will be placed in your platoon. However, I will be fair and place her into platoons based on a randomly, so I don’t want to hear any complaints from you. 😛

Gen Vrpanch
CO, Airborne


Minimum requirement: 20,000 Strength
Application: Airborne Application
Public IRC channel: #NewRecruits

Funnies Section

1. Girls can go to bed in the US and wake up in Japan. Period Joke.
2. I just went to the Air & Space museum. Boy do I feel ripped off. It was just an empty room.
3. How do you know your girlfriend is getting too fat? Because she tried on your wife’s pants and they fit.
4. I’m kinda terrified for 2015. Because 2+0+1+5=8, which is the EXACT number of nipples Hitler would’ve had if he had 6 more nipples!

First Edition of the eUS Military Newspaper
~From Coast to Coast: Our Nations Warriors~

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