First Day of Food for ~hyuu~

Day 1,074, 20:45 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

Well, it's been pretty fun so far 🙂 We've managed to give out over 1000 wellness, but that's still not as much as I'd like to! If any eCanadian wants to give us a try, all you have to do is click here and read the instructions.

Also, I'm looking for somebody who can make me a logo 🙂

I would like to thank those who have volunteered to help supply food, which at the moment is a job being handled by myself as well as:

I would also like to thank all the generous donations that were made in the past 24 hours.
EPIC 10g
Kronos Q 5g
TAP Diversified (aka Saltydog) 5g
CRoy 5g
Chamrajnagar 5.09g
TemujinBC 5.69g
DamienWolf 2g
jfstpierre 2g

~hyuu~ 😁