First 5 days on eRepublik (included , what boosters to use) . . .

Day 1,245, 01:52 Published in India India by falgunimehta

Hello my noob brothers and sisters,

I am going to guide you about how to manage your account in first 5 days on a helthier way.

The article is going to be pretty long , but i think you will find every help from this one article.

First of all your journy will start from here...

so , just go and start from clicking button >

first of all you will see your home page.

you will get 5 local currency , to purchase anything as ur logic.

and arrow pointing to a button , those are missions.

those will show you some tasks to do and will give you some special rewards after fulfilling their little challenges.

to complete the mission , first of all you must know about menubar and its items.

You will see a menu bar at up side.

first menu is >

It is very important , just click and go.

First building in "My land" is >

you will directly terminated to job market when you click on that , and after having job , that building will get changed to "XYZ company building".

so , click there and go to job market for searching your job.

there are job provider companies and their proposed salaries.

go and apply to first placed job. (because all are in decending order of salary , so , of course every one wants highest salary)

then it will open work page.

There are some options to do your work.

you can see there are 4 different check boxes.

all are containing some booster excepted first one.

I personally suggest to do only first one , in your entire erepublik life.

because , no one is here to give extra benefits , that he/she will pay you more salary for your extra production.

So , do your work , you will get your salary (tax will be cut from it)

and as per i told you , your first building will get changed to the company building in "My land"

Now , let's jump on second building in "My land"

You have to train yourself regularly , that will improove your strength.

there is somewhat same page like your job work page.

There are same boosters here too.

but i recomment to make first one on first day , and in other 0.19 gold booster daily , other boosters will be costly for you. (don't worry , you can afford it , gold will be also reward for you for upgrading your level)

definately 0.19 gold will take your time , but that will give you more strength than any other boosters , so , it is only to choose for clever players.

to improove your strength is important because , you will be better in fight with that.

so , see now , your two missions are over.

we will talk later about the third building (storage) of "My land" , just remember it.

But you will see that there are 2 land our there , they will showing board "Build".

Those are your free lands , you can construct company on that , but there is no need at basic point.

now let me jump to your profile.

when you click on the place of profile photo , which is on up-left corner , it will show you your profile.

Just like this...

This is the overview of your profile.

lets take first point.

1).thats your health.

your health will decrease 4 points normally and you have to eat food to recover it.

Remember , working with 90+ health , will give you good response and prestige from your company owner.

you can buy food from market (you will find explaination about market in some next parts of the article) , you have to pay your currency to buy any item , as you do in real life.

2).now second point.

you will get experience points for every work , training , fight and completion of some missions.

your experience level will be decided by your experience point.

and you will get 1 gold as a reward of your level up.

3). third point is land.

We have already discussed about that erlier.

4). fourth point is medals.

Every medal is containing some personal criteria , when you put your curser on it , it will show you their criteria , its just like missions.

Every medal will give you 5 gold reward each.

5). fifth point is economy skill.

Economy skill will improove your production skill and your professional level too.

When your professional level will increse , your salary will be high too.

6). Sixth point is about your strength.

As per I told you erlier , that when you make training , it will give you strength.

so , this is that thing.

7). seventh point is your military rank.

When you fight , your military rank will get upgraded.

and you will get 1 energy bar as a reward on every promotion.

but for first 5 days , i will not recomment to fight.

because , you will not get sufficient food to fight very much , first 5 days is the time to improove your other skills.

Now let's jump on your accounts.

account page will show you your gold and your currency statistics.

now , time to know about your third land (building) and the name of that is : storage.

storage is the place , from where you can see and sell the products which is in your storage as well as you can terminate your page directly to market.

now , lets jump on menu bar again.

second menu is : "wars"

as per i told you that in first 5 days of the game , you don't need to fight , so , this option will not be helpful for you.

but for knowledge , that menu will show you all the wars , which is going on or finished in the entire eWorld.

now third item of menu bar is market.

there are certain categories of market.

1). Market place - In that categories , first is only the important at this stage and point of view of this article.

you can buy food and weapons of different types from there.
(some more things you can buy too , but at this stage , you will not able to buy it and it is not important for this stage too.)

2). Monetary market - that is not important at this stage.

but for knowledge , you can covert your currency into gold or in different currecy or you can put your own offer too.

3). Job market - That you know very well.

4). companies for sale - that is also not important at this stage.

but for knowledge , you can buy companies from there.

Sorry , but other 2 menu are not useful for first 5 days , so , no descreption needed for that.

and you will know about it with your game experience.

Thats all from me to give whole knowledge about what to do in first 5 days of eRepublik

and I have given knowledge more than sufficient.

So , my noob brothers and sisters , just enjoy game and don't feel shy or awkward to share any doubts with me.

I will do my best to guide you.

but yes , don't forget to vote this article and must subscribe for my news paper.

Other wise,


So , all the best for your eRepublik future.

Thanks for reading me.

Regards from,
Shrunjal Mehta.