Fingerguns for Fed PP

Day 600, 17:33 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

For the first time in a long time, the race for Party President of the Federalist Party is being contested. I found out yesterday that Congressman James S. Pfeiffer is running against me. I'll admit, I was somewhat surprised by this considering I've only had the job for 2 weeks (and he assured me he wouldn't run for it), but I said I wanted to earn the position and earn it I shall.

I've been called a lot of things in my 4 months in eRep, as most Federalists have, but my favorite title comes from none other than former President Scrabman- "Hardcore party girl." You better believe it. I'm sure he meant it as an insult, but he's absolutely right. Everything I have done in this game has been on behalf of or for the betterment of the Federalist Party. I joined the Federalists the day I hit level 7 and have served the party proudly ever since. The first position I was given was Recruiting Director. I'm proud to say that during my time as Recruiting Director, party membership doubled. However, it would be incorrect to say the expansion was solely my doing. The new members I found during that time were very excited to get involved and help out, and the area they helped most was recruiting. Wingfield was one of the first people I recruited and at this point more than half of the Federalist Party is here because of his efforts.

It was clear that Wingfield was an incredibly effective recruiter and I asked that he be given the Director position. There was an opening in Public Relations and I thought that was an area where I could help the party more. Even with our growing numbers, I was surprised to find out that not all of our members were aware that we had a message board or an IRC. In the month I served as PR Director we completely overhauled the way our party communicates. We revitalized the Federalist newsletter, got many of our existing members and all new members on the forum and made the IRC the place to be. While serving as PR Director, there was much discussion among party leaders about how to best utilize our growing population and facilitate a potential move for the Top 5. I was asked to take the lead on these things and developed the Federalist Outreach Program (the Federalist version of the Mentorship Program) and started outlining a plan for party re-organization.

We're rapidly approaching 'present day' in this little biography, so let me change gears a bit and let you know what I have done since I was asked to step into the Party Presidency and stop would could have potentially become a major division. I was ready for the job the day I received it. I've been an incredibly active party member since the beginning so I knew exactly what was going on, what resources we had available and how to use them. The party plans that existed before I got the position were immediately implemented. Within a few days, all staff positions were filled, including the new positions that had been created, like Media & Marketing Director and District Representatives. Augustis launched Habitat for Humanities and I put new member, citizenslave in charge of establishing the Better Business Bureau. I completely re-focused the entire party on what we were always supposed to be about- new citizen education, activity and retention. Federalist values dictate we work with the Government, not for it. Parties are the closest thing we have to local government and Federalists take that responsibility seriously.

My new role as Party President meant I would be included in interparty discussions and organizing and this is a role I was glad to step into. I had felt for some time that Federalist opposition to various national issues was often misinterpreted because other parties didn't understand the Federalist perspective. Being able to explain our point of view regarding the role of parties in the eUS candidly with other party leaders has made for some very productive conversations and stronger relationships have developed because of it. Just in 2 weeks of conversing with other leaders, we have found common ground with parties that once viewed us as enemies, even coming together to establish things like the multi-hunting squad in an effort to make this game more fair for everyone.

Our country is on the brink of war, and it is these uncertain times that reaffirm our belief that Parties are THE MOST effective way to disseminate information, organize citizens and prepare civilians for battle. We have resisted calls to surrender all power and authority to the federal government, believing we should never allow fear to snuff out our ideals. At the end of the day, ideals are all we really have. Our party has made significant progress in the 2 weeks I have been Party President, but there is so much work to do for us to reach our objectives. My time is not divided between the White House, Congress, my own social club and then the party. My time is dedicated to the Federalist Party, our goals, our well-being and our role in the bigger picture...only. I hope to continue to serve the Federalists, just as I have for the last 4 months.

Thank you. Let's keep up the good work!