Finding Driving Force

Day 1,487, 11:28 Published in USA USA by Sir Gulden Draak

In terms of chemistry, the driving force or force of reaction, is the change in energy as you go from products to reactants. In terms of this game, we too have a driving force. There is something in each and every one of us that causes us to log in every day and do whatever it is we do in the game. For some, it is out of habit and for others it is the chance to strengthen our ePeen by building up stats. At one point or another, everyone loses this driving force. Some leave the game forever, others are able to find a new driving force and come back to the game. It has been well documented, that I have lost my driving force several times. However, I may be finding a new one.

Chemistry bitches

What has always attracted me to this game, has been the meta-game. In other words the game that we create. The Dioism, Frost's Revolution, and other devices we scheme up. I have never been much for stats and medals. I have never won a battle hero, I hardly work, and I spent one horrible month in congress. So for me, the game has been about the people and the stories we paint during our time playing the game.

For many months, I have been pissed off at the game because it seemed to me like the admins were killing the meta-game, the part that I enjoyed. It started with the progressive death of the media module, and has since deteriorated causing me to leave the game for several months. In the last several days, I have been thinking mostly about tits and ass, but some about erepublik. I realize now that my anger was directed towards the wrong people. I was blaming the admins for killing the meta game, but it is us who created the meta game and we allowed it to die.

We have played just as big a role in killing the meta game as the admins have

Sure the admins have played a role, as this game is like a sandbox and they are the builders. Over time, our sandbox has become smaller as the limitations on the game increase. Yet, there is still room in the sandbox, there is still room to play the way we all want to play. I can't put my finger on why the meta-game died, but I know it has. Perhaps, it is because all the creative people left, or that the creative people do not try anymore, but damnit I want the meta game back.

In closing, I ask you all to help me in bringing life and fun back into the game. Let us not be an army of drones just throwing damage down in pointless battles that we will likely fight several days later. For f**k's sake lets have a little fun. So join me brothers, shout DIO DIO DIO, throw up a Publius fist, write an article. Together, we can perhaps save this game yet.

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak