Financial Update Day 1359

Day 1,359, 12:01 Published in India India by Graf Sprat
Status 1 month back

Just a Quick Report on what this govt has inherited -

Fixed Assets (Govt Companies and Licenses) - 1465 Gold (The sale price would be 30% lower though)

Government Treasury (Gold) - 418 G (down from 789 G 1 month back)

Government Treasury (INR) - 260000 INR (down from 392638 INR 1 month back)

Govt Companies & Inventory

2 - Q5 Weapons Co.
1 -Q1 Defense Systems Co. - 10 Q1 Defense System
4 - Q1 Weapons Co
5 Q1 food
7 Q1 WRM
1 Q5 Food Co.
1 Q2 Tickets Co.
1 Q3 Housing Co.
1 Q2 Housing

The significant decrease from last month is primarily due to the War with Pakistan and the cost spent in retaking the regions.