Financial Report (15/05)

Day 907, 03:46 Published in Belgium Belgium by NBB-BNB
Financial Update

Hello, and welcome to my first financial update of my term. Some of you might be wondering, why a financial update? What do we have to do with it? The main idea behind it is : Transparrancy. That's what this is all about. You eLive in a democracy, and the most important thing in a democracy, next to freedom of speach, is transparancy. You have to know what the government is doing with your taxes and with the money they make. This update will be published every week. If you need a quicker look, feel free to look for the MoF sheet online which is updated daily.

The 4 accounts of the state

The eBelgian state controles 4 organizations where money is stored or used, the first one is the IG state account where all the tax money goes. To use this money it first has to be transfered through a congress donation to an organization. As you can see, the last few days a lot of proposals to move money where proposed in order to get this money out of the state accounts. Those transfered where asked by me and our CP, Apotygma.

The second one is the organisation called : NBB-BNB. It stands for Nationale Bank van België - Banque Nationale de Belgique, and is our national bank. This is where most of the money owned by the Belgian state is stored for daily funding of State Companies, TW, etc...

The third on is eBE State Companies used to host our skill 0 training companies for new players. This products are not sold for profit on the national market, but only used to satisfy the needs of government organizations like Military or Home Affairs.

And last but not least, is used for MoHA and giving out the registration bonus on the national forum, gifting hub and buying Moving tickets.

Now all these Organisations have money in them, in various currencies. Further on you can see the amount of currencies expressed in gold that each of them contains, for more detailed deions, I invite you to check the MoF sheet.

Money in the Accounts

State Account:
Total assets : 591.84 gold
Variation : + 54.80624g

State Companies:
Total Assets : 71.28 gold
Variation : + 5.13g
Total Assets 13.0206g
Variation : - 1.7886

Total Assets : 839g
Variation : + 437.44g

So, at this moment we are on a pretty safe amount of cash, and though this might seem a lot, you have to keep in mind that MPP's cost 100g per country, so 200g in total. If we'd ever got caught up in a war, that money would soon be gone.

Overal, there has been a positive difference of 442.29868 gold in all those companies.

A little more information :

We had this week a total income of 54.8 gold in taxes. Most of the variation in the accounts is due to the printing of 20.000 BEF worth 400 gold, for a printing cost of 100.

The Monetary Market

As you can see by using this graph the BEF, our national currency is quite variable. So we want to start with calling upon evryone NOT to speculate on the BEF, as this is only nefast for our country and it's currency. The Ministry of Finances is working on a plan to stabelise the Montary Market, but this will take some time, and we will have to work that out realy well before doing anything. At this moment, the BEF is rising in value again, but that might change quite quickly. All ideas or debates on what to do with the MM can be held on our National Forum.

All citizens are welcome to register and participate on debates and off Topic gaming!

Theneka, Minister of Finance,
In name of The Ministry of Finance