Finalizing the Orange Cabinet

Day 712, 11:29 Published in Japan Japan by Geno Garon

Well, here we go, dear readers. The final days of the race are upon us. Here's the cabinet I've constructed so far, basing it mostly off of YOUR suggestions.

Vice President: (*second place presidential candidate, i.e. Mursu or Dokomo😉

It was suggested to me by a few individuals that they really did not know what the Vice Presidency was for, and mentioned that it would make sense to have the "runner up" candidate be VP, should they need to take over. This made PERFECT sense to me, and I couldn't imagine why I had not thought of it before. Should there be any reason for me to be impeached (gross misconduct, absence, et cetera), my Vice President would ALREADY be filled in with all the details of the happenings of my office, and would be able to take over the office of President IMMEDIATELY upon my removal from office. Also, since I have no objections to either Dokomo or Mursu BEING president, this just made the most sense to me.

Ministry of Finance: (Vorph) (Kenji Fujimoto)

Vorph was suggested to me by several people for his excellent handling of business. If my experience has taught me anything in business, it's that keeping things profitable is a delicate balancing game, and requires constant attention. These are the EXACT two qualities I would want from my MoF, and Vorph seems to fit the bill properly. In addition, Kenji Fujimoto has been recommended for his aggressive involvement in the Economy Board.

Ministry of Defense: (Kita Ikki) (Glados)

Both Kita IKKI and Galdos had hearty recommendations for MoD. On the one hand, Kita IKKI has done a BANG. UP. JOB. with the army, hands down. I'd love to have him continue. On the other hand, Glados has experience handling armies all over the world, and has been involved in multiple international wars. His experience could be extremely helpful in the days to come. Perhaps Kita could use Glados as an assistant MoD? Right now I'm leaning towards Kita.

Ministry of Information: (Reiji) (Metic) (Dokomo)

The Ministry of Information would be in charge of handling Nihon No Koe, and, as Reiji has been handling this paper so nicely, it would be an honor for him to continue. However, I also received a few nominations for Metic to take the spot. I suppose I will have to ask these individuals how they feel, as I am undecided at the moment.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: (PrincessMedyPi) (Lauri Mursu) (Hitoshi Makoto)

It should be said right off the bat that Lauri Mursu has been recommended for half the seats on this cabinet. His multi-talented ass would fill any seat in this cabinet, and fill it with distinction. However, I also have had the honor of working with PrincessMedyPi, and her international appeal is spot on. She's known worldwide, and would make an excellent addition to any cabinet. I suppose this one will have to wait to see if Mursu gets into any other seats before we can iron this one out. For anyone confused about my consideration of Pikes for MoFa, read the next section.

Ministry of Internal Affairs: (no1kevlin) (Metic)

This is probably one of my most hotly contested seats, with people literally flinging themselves at me to get nominated. We once again see Metic on the list, which is no surprise, as he is pretty diverse and talented himself, as well as no1kevlin and Tanaka Fujimori. People may be double-taking at this category. "Kevlin?" they may say, "I thought you hated that guy!" to which I would respond, "No, I disagreed with his actions, but that doesn't mean I hate him OR that I would exclude him from government." Tanaka was also recommended, and I'm not terribly familiar with him. I'll have to speak with him to get to know him better if he's going to be in my cabinet... (EDIT) Tanaka has asked me to take his name off the list.

Ministry of Propaganda: (Hashimoto)

Hashimoto recommended himself for this office specifically, and I thought... "Ahh hell, why not?" I love including people, so it works.

Ministry of Clandestine Intelligence: (Walorm)

Shhhh.... it's a secret.

Ministry of T3H LULZ: (Ember) (Reiji)

T3H LULZ is very important to the integrity of a nation. Holidays, contests, and all fun-type things. The SOS has done a lot of this, and the country could use even more. Reiji is back again, nominated by a few people, but I believe the real run for the seat is between Ember and Faeyas.
EDIT: Faeyas has asked to be removed from the list, as she wants to focus more on SOS.

Remember, most of these seats are STILL OPEN to nominations and discussion, so keep em coming.

I've got two days off coming up soon, and I'll be taking that time to campaign and generate my platform and campaign promises. I hope that, if anyone has anything they feel I should focus on, that they would send me a PM letting me know about the issue so that I may properly address it.

~ Geno Garon