Fighting in the Shade of Persian Arrows: Project Lambda

Day 819, 16:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

First of all, I would like to thank all those who have expressed their support and solidarity with Project Lambda. I am delighted to see that support has come from all over the political spectrum and across party lines.

However, there has been some unfounded criticism of Project Lambda, based on preconceptions or based on the preliminary information provided so far. I intend to address these criticisms now.

The "Project Lambda is communist" criticism

>>>> Project Lambda is NOT communist. <<<<

No part of the project will use commune companies, nor is the objective to destroy capitalism.
In fact, Project Lambda is designed to place the Irish Republic on a much more firm military and economic footing with the power of the state balancing the interests of workers and company owners.

The "Personal Freedom" criticism

Project Lambda only restricts the freedom of people to operate in the Irish domestic marketplace, which has degenerated into a destructive rat race that benefits no one. In return for trading this freedom, company owners gain state support for exports, which have a much larger potential profit margin.

Total freedom leads to the abuse of freedom, we must insure that our prosperity and success as a country is not sacrificed so that every man and his dog can have a failing business!

The "bureaucracy" criticism

This criticism also includes the "taxation to force compliance" argument.
Project Lambda will not require a large management staff, nor will it require massive amounts of gold to be spent on companies. Companies' owners that cooperate will receive massive state backing, companies that don't will be eliminated by combination of state companies' market pressure and taxation pressures.

The rat race over the tiny Irish market is at an end.

Why support Project Lambda?

The system that has served us until this point is failing.
The benefits to be had from cooperating for the good of the Republic are immense.
A strong pact between workers, companies and the State is absolutely necessary.

We must become the new Sparta!

"The cause of labour is the cause of Ireland, the cause of Ireland is the cause of labour." - James Connolly

Project Lambda has been developed by the Labour Party.
If you support our initiative, but feel that you would like to stay with your own party, we respect that.
On the other hand, if you like how we do things:

Join the Labour Party!